Patience Ankunda
4 min readFeb 5, 2019


I am everything I never imagined I would be. You know those dreams we have when we are young? The ones that involve being princesses, living in a palace, kiss a frog and it turns into a prince, becoming a doctor, President, lawyer all at the same time. Yeah! That WAS me and i guess everyone else as well.

But i actually did not turn out bad. Yes, I may not be all those things I had hoped to be but I am definitely the best version of myself yet. I am a former Architecture student.(Disclaimer: Some people may refer to me as an Architecture drop out but I just had a change in interests and chose to follow my heart but that will be a story for another day). I am now a Computer Science student and my oh my! Has this been my best life changing decision made yet.

Besides all the academics and its history, I am a sport junkie. I love trying out and playing new sports because it engages my body and makes me active and enthusiastic in other aspects of my life and also because of the health benefits that come along with it. I have recently taken a liking in Squash.

Women’s Cleveland Classic Squash Competition in Ohio. Pic by :Simon King

It is a young sport in Uganda especially for the ladies and I would encourage you, yes you lady reading this, to try it out. It involves the whole body and it will have you sweating within the first two minutes, that, I assure you.

I have also played basketball, table tennis, wood-ball, lone tennis, football, volleyball( trust me, the list goes on and on). Personally, I prefer individual sports to group sports but that is only when it comes to sports. In other aspects of life, I believe that teamwork is definitely the way to go. I have worked in various teams like Talent Nyumbani and Throw It Back Foundation. I am also a swimmer and due to recent events I now encourage people to at least learn how to float which is the bare minimum of swimming.

I love to travel, not just within my country but abroad as well because it gives me the opportunity to meet different people as well as get acquainted with different cultures and architectures. I love buildings and structures that just make me wonder “How?”. I take part in dance shows now and then because apart from sport, dance is a way for me to be free from the bullets thrown at me by the world.

At Burj Al Arab in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

I generally like things that challenge me. Like on a real level. Whenever someone says “This is for men” or “Women can not handle”, I normally take it upon myself to disprove that person. Of like if someone told me right now that women can not fly planes, friends, I literally will join flying school to fly a plane. It is that serious. But one thing I have certainly challenged myself to do, is learning how to code. I have knowledge in JavaScript, C plus plus, Java and markup languages like HTML and CSS. I am yet to take up Python and just mainly specialize in it as well as Java. I hope to become a machine learning and Artificial Intelligence expert one day.

Lastly, this story would be incomplete without me mentioning my love for blue. I kid you not, I am a blue fanatic. If I had one wish, hypothetically speaking, with all other aspects of life in perfect place, I would wish for everything to be turned into blue. Be it people, animals, cars, grass, even the sun. Yeah, it is that much. If you were to get me a gift and blue was among the options, it is fundamentally important that you choose it.

I would go on and on and most probably from this story you have already drawn a conclusion that I have a lot to say. And you are about 80% right. In any avenue that I am given the opportunity to express myself, I will shoot my shot otherwise, I am just a simple, inquisitive, interactive, extrovert with many introvert tendencies. And This IS Me.



Patience Ankunda

Entrepreneur, Computer Scientist, Developer Community Development, Girls in Tech-Enthusiast, Academician. Contact