
Start a chain reaction with a thankful heart

Patience Hunter
4 min readMay 15, 2022


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Sometimes we all need a little reminder to appreciate the great people and good things in our lives. In the hustle and bustle of life, you may be too busy to connect to a deeper level where gratitude flows seamlessly. However, gratitude releases a higher percentage of positive emotion and acts.

Of course, there are times when things will most definitely not go as well as hoped or expected; that your plans can easily fall apart.

There may also be times that you may face unforeseen challenges that will test you to the limit. At all times, but especially at the most difficult times, you should note that gratitude is worth the effort, even if it means you have to dig deep to find reasons to be grateful. Who knows, something better could be around the corner.

“We can always find something to be thankful for, and there may be reasons why we ought to be thankful for even those dispensations which appear dark and frowning.”

- Albert Barnes

So, how does thankfulness manifest itself? What signs do you look for to see if you’re feeling grateful? You can express your gratitude and appreciation for what you have in a variety of ways.

Signs of gratitude:

· Spending some time reflecting on the things you are thankful for in your life.

· Paying attention to the simple things that bring joy and tranquillity to you.

· Remembering the people who love and care about you.

· Thanking someone for having a positive impact on you.

· Giving thanks through meditation or prayer.

· Doing something nice for someone else to show your gratitude.

· Taking the time to notice and appreciate the beauty and wonder of anything you come across in your daily life.

· Not allowing other people’s words or actions to influence your inner peace.

· Focusing on the best in people.

· Inspite of what you are going through, be careful that you don’t adopt negativity as a default emotion.

Luckily, you can assess your tendency for appreciation by asking yourself and honestly answering questions like, ‘Do you have people or things that you are grateful for? and ‘How do they impact your life?’ If it helps, write down the positive things in your life and reflect on it.

Photo by Ann poan from Pexels

Developing a sense of thankfulness isn’t challenging or difficult. It does not necessitate any particular equipment or training. Also, the more you practice it, the better you will become at it and the more appreciative you will be.

How to practice gratitude:

· Keep an eye on the situation. Take a moment to reflect on your current situation and how you are feeling. Remember how far you’ve come.

· Take an inventory of your senses and consider what is assisting you in coping. Are there people who have helped you in some way? Are there specific things that help you manage your stress, feel good about yourself, or get things done?

· Allow yourself time to truly appreciate the present moment. Concentrate on the positive feelings and allow them to wash over you.

· Adopt rituals of giving thanks. Routines such as meditation or prayer are examples of rituals that might help you feel more grateful.

· Demonstrate your gratitude. It entails recognizing and showing appreciation for the people, things, moments, abilities, or gifts that bring us joy, peace or comfort.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

- Eckhart Tolle

Gratitude is just the beginning and you can’t use it as an excuse not to take the necessary actions required for your growth and progress e.g., not utilising an opportunity for promotion because you feel your subsequent actions may be deemed as ungrateful for your current position. Another example could be feeling indebted and trying to excessively repay a favour to your detriment.

Gratitude, according to world-known psychologist Robert Emmons, can alter people’s lives for a variety of reasons. It contributes to the exaggeration of happy feelings by assisting people in focusing on the present. He also claims that it can help people feel better about themselves.

Rather than focus on the negative or complain, it might help you to appreciate your worth when you count your blessings. I hope that you can always find something to be grateful for.



Patience Hunter

I write about self-improvement with a dose of motivation and sprinkle of resilience.