No-one leaves the world alive

What if you do not wake up tomorrow, will you be happy with how you left today?

Patience Hunter
Readers Hope
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2022


Photo by Elliott Stallion on Unsplash

Not everyone understands how expensive but underrated time is. We cannot turn the clock back, but we can do our best today to make the best of the unknown time we have left.

Life is unpredictable, it is full of layers and layers of challenges, but make no mistake, no one is going to represent you better than yourself.

We waste time, feeling and acting as if the current moment isn’t enough! as if our lives aren’t worthy of our complete attention, constantly wondering about what is yet to come rather than appreciating and being completely present in the here and now.

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.”

- Michael Altshuler

So how do you approach life?

Are you full of excuses or are you ready to give your best? Life is not a rehearsal and you only have one crack at it, so make things happen by taking full responsibility and aligning your actions to your needs and goals.

What if you embrace this moment, understand that tomorrow is promised to no one and accept the limited time as sufficient to give life all the potential you are capable of.

Nothing can be done to control how time flies but you are in control of how you use it. Be more intentional and honest about discovering who you are at your core, then build a life that helps you live life to the fullest.

Questions to ask yourself:

· Who are you? Take a moment right now, pause… look around with perfect clarity and no distractions. Ask the necessary questions to know yourself more and be honest about the answers.

· What are your needs? To live a more meaningful and memorable life? To treasure and share more amazing stories? To focus on the things that bring joy and tranquillity to you?

· What do you like or want? Examine your goal, your prospects of success, whether you need to accomplish everything yourself and what you’ll get from it.

· What represents balance in your life? In the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day activities, it’s sometimes easy to forgo the necessary acts needed to keep body and soul ticking along. Self-love remains a priority and not an option.

· What are your dreams and goals? Make a list of your objectives and imagine how you will feel once achieved. Plan your goals and take action. It’s sometimes tough to tell whether you need to push a little harder or whether you’re just hitting your head against a brick wall. Constantly review and if you find yourself missing the mark, be adaptable and feel free to alter direction if something isn’t working.

· What motivates you? It is not always easy to stay motivated but set your needs/goals and align actions that will help you stay on track, thereby providing a critical structure that will keep you going no matter how you think or feel on any particular day — effectively automating the difficult task at hand.

· Who makes you feel heard or validated? Sometimes you may be facing so much upheaval or just feeling overwhelmed resulting to shutting down. Try to understand your emotion, ask for support and align yourself with allies who are interested and willing to be there for you.

· Who is the object of your focus? Is it your nearest and dearest? Or do you go to great lengths trying to keep up appearances and pleasing outsiders to the detriment of the most genuine people in your life who actually care about you?

“If you know how quickly people forget the dead, you will stop living to impress people.”

- Christopher Walken

You don’t need to wait for inspiration to strike. Seize the moment and make life happen. Remember your “why” to maintain focus and never stop learning so you don’t make the same mistakes over and over.

As certain as there is night and day, your life will come to an end eventually. If money could buy extra time, no-one with riches or wealth would ever die. Simply put, nobody lives forever and time does not wait for anyone!

Prioritise your invaluable time to do the needful, do the necessary, and achieve what you deem to be important to you and for your loved ones in such a way that if you do not wake from your slumber tomorrow you will be happy with how you left today.

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Through my nearest, dearest and others, I know personally how healing and inspiring the power of words can be.

I enjoy taking a creative route when looking at different complex ideals and issues that regularly occur in everyday life and am an avid believer in looking into the deeper meaning of life.

I love writing about self-improvement, highlighting motivational messages with a key theme of resilience and I also regularly use these messages to guide, enlighten and challenge myself and others.

As different as we all are, we often have the same questions, concerns and challenges. I want everybody that ever reads a Patience Hunter offering to take comfort in knowing that none of us are truly alone. It’s okay not to have all the answers. I certainly don’t. We are all just doing our best to find our way and it gives me great pleasure to share what I find and take in the varied perspectives of my readers.



Readers Hope
Readers Hope

Published in Readers Hope

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Patience Hunter
Patience Hunter

Written by Patience Hunter

I write about self-improvement with a dose of motivation and sprinkle of resilience.

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