Your Self-Love must be stronger than your desire to be loved

Building a Fortress of Confidence

Patience Hunter
3 min readOct 11, 2023
Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Imagine your self-worth as a precious gem locked within you. But instead of tapping inwards, you base your self-esteem on seeking external validation, which can be a fragile safety net; it’s the equivalent of handing over the key to your self-worth to someone else who decides when you get access.

In our pursuit of love and acceptance, it’s easy to forget that self-love is the most essential love we should nurture. Until we genuinely love ourselves, we cannot fully experience the love others offer us.

Constantly seeking affirmation and reassurance from others can be a dangerous cycle, as it leaves us vulnerable to disappointment and heartache when those external sources fail to meet our expectations, which may even be unrealistic to begin with.

It has taken some soul-searching, emotional scars and the passage of time, but I have finally learned to practice self-compassion during tough times and treat myself with the same kindness I would offer a friend. This significant step has paid major dividends as self-care has activated seamless peace and a licence to explore the core of me, not to mention improving my mental health.



Patience Hunter

I write about self-improvement with a dose of motivation and sprinkle of resilience.