What is Git?

Sushant Patil
2 min readJan 3, 2024


GitHub provides a version control system called Git which is used to track any updates/ commit changes performed in a user’s repository. Git can be downloaded in Windows and changes can be committed using the Git Command Prompt available in your system once you download Git.

GitHub is a hosting platform used by developers to save their code online and track its changes to see what will work when it comes to them working on their projects. GitHub is popular among people in the IT industry due to its easy-to-understand UI and its ability to act as a progress tracker using a Version Control System to track changes. This enables projects to be collaborative.

  • Collaborative Projects: With its existing Version Control System (Git), and the hosting abilities of GitHub on its website, it provides great room for innovation and collaboration among developers to develop collaborative projects.
  • Issue Tracker: Any grievances experienced by the developer when they use Git or GitHub can be taken with the tech support team. GitHub has specifically provided an issue tracker to every developer who uses GitHub to communicate the problems they experience while using Git or GitHub.
  • Supporting Different Languages: As a code hosting platform, GitHub provides support to a plethora of coding languages and provides support specific to that language. These codes are the base codes used to train GitHub Copilot, an AI-based code generator that autocompletes code with only a few prompts. Some of the languages they provide support to are not limited to C, C++, C#, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Python, etc.
  • Pull Requests: In repositories, developers viewing codes can change any files that may be necessary to optimize the code or fix any errors by utilizing pull requests which directly change the root node in the main repository.
  • Hosting Code: GitHub provides a web platform where developers can host various codes for various purposes.
  • Open Source Support: GitHub, due to the reasons mentioned above is a great hub for hosting Open Source platform codes and hosting them to commit and update any updates or changes in the platform.

Git vs GitHub

Now that we’ve seen instances of both, what is the difference between Git and GitHub? Are they both the same? Can we use one without the other?

Git as mentioned earlier is a Version Control System (VCS) which is mostly used as a progress tracker to record what changes have happened to date.

GitHub is a hosting web-service platform where developers can host their codes online either in public repositories or private repositories. It can also be used as a Hub for communication. But, without Git, it isn’t possible to utilize GitHub. Each is dependent on the other.

Getting Started with GitHub

There are various ways to utilize GitHub to its fullest potential properly. One way is by creating a GitHub account.

