Simple Report In SSRS

Pooja Patil
3 min readJan 27, 2020


SSRS is a SQL Server Reporting Services. In this data present graphically.

SSRS is a reporting service that helps to fetch data from cube also fetch the data from SQL Server.

SSRS has two templates:-

  • Report Server Project Wizard creates a new report server project using the report wizard.
  • Report Server Project creates an empty report template.

In this article, we create a report and fetch the data from the SQL Server. Here I have already created a Table.

Firstly, we go to Solution Explorer and right-click it → Goto Add project → Select Report Server Project Wizard → Click on OK. When we clicking on ok new wizard is open that is Report Wizard.

start report wizard

Thereafter, Click on edit option

select data source

Then, select the server name and database name & click ok.

gave the connection

after that, We specify the query to get data for the report by using Query Builder.

Design the Query

Subsequently, Right-click on the white space area and select the Add table.

add table

Choose the Column name if you want then click ADD.

add column

Here Query Designer Created then click ok.

query designer

As per fetching data here creates a query then click next.

design the query
  • Tabular report display data in tabular format which is a row and column.
  • Matrix report display summarized data. In matrix number of columns can change dynamically depending on input data.

after that, select the Tabular type of report.

Report Type

The report can have three sections:-

  • Page (Header):- It displays Report title, Page number, Time, etc.
  • Group:- It displays different types of the same data which are repeating in a single project like country or state-wise report.
  • Details:- It shows actual data of the report.

We drag and drop the field from the Available field to the Display field and click Next.

design the table

Finally, complete the wizard gave the Report name & click finish.

the complete wizard

here created the report and we can edit and preview the report.


Report.rdl is created under the SSRS folder. RDL is a Report Definition Language nothing but XML file.

Then right-click on the created report and RUN.

See the OUTPUT.

If you are new to MSBI start with the following must-watch video: -

