🐙 Git Your Groove On: Mastering Essential Git Commands 💻🎵 (Part 1)

Rishav Nath Pati
3 min readApr 11, 2023


👋 Hello there, fellow developers! Let’s get ready to rock and roll with some of the easiest and most useful commands in the land of version control. This is Part 1 and contains the easier-to-learn commands. More is coming soon.

🚀 These commands may be a breeze to use, but they’re still powerful enough to make your code management smooth sailing. And don’t worry, we’ll keep it professional…mostly. 😉

⚓ So, let’s hoist the anchor and set sail for the high seas of Git commands! Here are the 10 easy-to-use commands that will make your code management a walk in the park:


  1. git init: Initialises a new Git repository in your current directory.
  2. git add: Adds a file to the staging area.
  3. git commit: Commits the changes in the staging area to the repository.
  4. git status: Shows the status of your repository, including which files have been modified.
  5. git log: Shows a list of all the commits in the repository.
  6. git branch: Lists all the branches in the repository.
  7. git checkout: Switches to a different branch or commit.
  8. git diff: Shows the difference between the working directory and the repository.
  9. git clone: Creates a local copy of a remote repository.
  10. git push: Sends your committed changes to a remote repository.

🌊 So, weigh anchor and let’s dive into these commands. With these tools in your Git toolbox, you’ll be able to navigate the choppy waters of code management like a true captain. Let’s git started! (sorry for the bad pun, that’s all I can do)

Git Init 🎉

Title: Starting Fresh

Description: When you want to start a new project, git init is the perfect way to start fresh! This command initializes a new Git repository in your current directory, creating a .git folder where Git will store all of the repository’s metadata.


git init

Git Add 📝

Title: Stage your Changes

Description: Git add is the command to stage your changes. It adds a file to the staging area, which means it’s ready to be committed. You can stage individual files or entire directories.


git add myfile.txt

Git Commit 💾

Title: Save Your Work

Description: Git commit is the command to save your changes. It commits the changes in the staging area to the repository. You can add a message to describe the changes you made.


git commit -m "Added new feature"

Git Status 📊

Title: Check Your Progress

Description: Git status is the command to check the status of your repository. It shows which files have been modified, which files are staged, and which files haven’t been tracked yet.


git status

Git Log 📜

Title: Keep Track of Your Commits

Description: Git log is the command to show a list of all the commits in the repository. It shows the author, date, and commit message for each commit.


git log

Git Branch 🌳

Title: Branching Out

Description: Git branch is the command to list all the branches in the repository. You can also create new branches, delete branches, and switch between branches. Example:

git branch

Git Checkout 👀

Title: Change Your View

Description: Git checkout is the command to switch to a different branch or commit. It updates the working directory to match the specified branch or commit.


git checkout myfeature

Git Diff 🔍

Title: Spot the Differences

Description: Git diff is the command to show the difference between the working directory and the repository. It shows the changes you’ve made to the files.


git diff myfile.txt

Git Clone 📥

Title: Copying Repositories

Description: Git clone is the command to create a local copy of a remote repository. It downloads all the files and metadata from the remote repository and creates a new Git repository on your local machine.


git clone https://github.com/myusername/myproject.git

Git Push 🚀

Title: Launch Your Changes

Description: Git push is the command to send your committed changes to a remote repository. It uploads your changes to the remote repository, making them available for others to pull.


git push origin master

Visit Part 2 and Part 3 for more such commands. Have a nice day.



Rishav Nath Pati

Game Developer | Unity | 2D,3D,AR/VR | C#>Python>JAVA>C++>C | ! an “ML Enthusiast” | Interactive Media Developer at Convai