How I Became An Etsy Star Seller

Pat Jagger
3 min readJan 21, 2023


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

The customer’s perception is your reality..

I’ve been selling on Etsy for a little over a year. After dipping my toe in, I soon saw the massive opportunity on the platform and decided to get consistent with my shop.

Then Q4 came along and the sales got regular, which was a buzz.

Now here is a customer service technique I used to harvest 5* reviews and ultimately earn the Star Seller Badge.

Etsy Star Seller Badge

If you follow this technique and complete the basics of delivering quality products on time, you’ve got a surefire way to happy customers.

When you are notified of a new order by the thrilling *ch-ching* sound, this is when you begin the customer journey.

Allow a minute to let the dopamine settle and pat yourself on the back for a well-earned sale.

Now message the buyer.

Here’s an example of what I say:

“Hi [insert name],

Thank you for ordering the [insert item]!

We will get to work and you can expect delivery on [insert date].

Kind regards,

[insert name].”

You’ve acknowledged the order and given the buyer an estimated delivery date. This sews the seed for a 5 star review.

I recommend giving yourself two or three days grace on delivery, so if you expect the order to be delivered on a Wednesday, say Friday.

I quickly learnt that if you don’t initially provide a delivery date, many reply and say “when will I receive?” So you’re answering a question before it’s asked!

Once the item is despatched, message again to say:

“Hey, just to let you know your [insert item] has despatched!”

You’ve now built a relationship with the customer and are keeping them informed, without saying too much.

Set a reminder for 3 days after the expected delivery date. When that day arrives, message again with:

“Hey [insert name],

I hope you’re happy with the [insert item]!

If you get a moment please could you leave a short review? It helps us grow the shop by giving trust to potential future customers!

Many thanks,

[insert name].”

It’s the same technique used by Amazon. You receive an order acknowledgement, an expected delivery date, a despatch notification then a link to provide feedback.

It’s usually ineffective to simply message a customer who has received their order to say “hey, hope you like it — please can I have a review?”

By doing this with every order, your customer service level is sky-rocketing and you will see an increase in 5* reviews.

And it’s those reviews that will lead to Etsy awarding you the Star Seller badge!

Note: This technique can also be applied to selling digital products, without the need to give an expected delivery date. Message the buyer to thank them for the order, then follow up 3 days later to request a review.



Pat Jagger

Writer & Music Producer | Mostly writing about the journey from 3 x layoffs to financial independence.