Pat Kenny
6 min readApr 22, 2024


Clark Gable


One morning early in 1938 Spencer Tracy drove to work at MGM studios and was unable to get on the set. The entrance was blocked by a crowd of autograph hunters who had surrounded Clark Gable’s car. No one seemed to recognize Spencer Tracy. Somewhat annoyed yet trying to be good-humored he stood up in his convertible bowed to Clark Gable and shouted “Long live the King, And now for Christ’s sake let’s get inside and get to work.”

Clark Gable was the greatest heroic star of his time, Tall dark and handsome he was known as the King of the movies. Free, rascally, courageous, resourceful, direct, uncomplicated, charming, all male without the need to over-assert it, sane self-reliant, gallant, and natural.

He built up a reputation as the most total male that ever brawled or loved his way across the screen. He doted on women and they on him. Men admired his direct approach.

The one and only Gable

He was a big sportsman, He drove fast cars, ate like a tiger, and drank like a whale. He was at home everywhere -in oil fields, in city streets, in stifling jungles, in any historical era.

When he first came to Hollywood he was automatically overlooked because of his size and ruggedness. Jack Warner of Warner…

