2 min readOct 17, 2014

I Wonder if Apple Sim is finally the beginning of the dumb pipe?

The announcement yesterday of the Apple “soft sim” marks a watershed in my opinion and I believe the zero attention given to it was precisely Apple’s intention, having worked in this space for many years so I am speaking with the benefit of hindsight.

I think the process will be to activate the iPad in Wifi each time you move to a new country/carrier, the device will know your location from the IP address, it will then present you with a screen offering which that countries carriers offer, you sign up (Apple of course has a kick back here)

The sign up triggers an IMSI download and the iPad software switches on the radio interface and connects to the radio, hey presto you have service

Thats stage one done.

Now lets move to iPhone 7

No sim slot?

Why would there be, Apple bring the same model as the iPad 2, now in reality no phone can ever be unlocked as there is no need to unlock it, you can have any carrier you like on it, well any carrier in the world who pays to be listed in the Apple carrier store.

Its not a big leap to paying for service though iTunes is it? moving carriers on a monthly basis for the best deal? and of course the absolute kicker, with its balance sheet could “Apple finance” advance you the money to buy the phone which you pay monthly though iTunes, their balance sheet certainly says so plus you don't pay and its bricked, never to be used again.



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