
Be Pre-pared

2 min readJul 3, 2017


“To give anything less than yourself is to sacrifice The Gift.” — Steve Prefontaine

I am currently preparing for Gather • Women’s Social Club’s next event. And, as we approach the date, I’m continuously considering the best ways to offer fun, value and tools for positive change, to the group. I specifically created this club with the intention of empowering young women with access to each other as a support system, to the tools to realize leadership roles, equal pay and fair treatment in business. To achieve those realizations, it takes strength and courage. And, it takes knowing your Gifts and giving your all to bring those to the world, regardless of the challenges.

Gather will meet at the end of July for a very interesting workshop. The workshop is the “I am Remarkable” Campaign by Google, crafted to help change gender related modesty norms and improve women’s self promotion skills, with the intended impact of closing the wage gap.

This particular workshop sold out in less than five days.

Where: Google HQ, San Francisco

What: Google’s “I am Remarkable Campaign,” lead by me (Patricia), on behalf of Gather, supported by Google

When: July 26, 2017

As per Gather’s modus operandi, we will first enjoy a reception to network, savor some quality food and beverages…and then dig into the work. For one hour, we will engage in exercises to learn skills that will help shift the way we, as women, own our contributions and understand their value in the workforce.

Because of the popularity of this workshop, I’d like to learn if there is a welcome for more workshops to be held. If you’re interested in experiencing this workshop, either for yourself or for your company, please fill out this Yes/No survey: [CLICK HERE FOR THE SURVEY]. Feel free to contact me directly to help you arrange for a workshop to be held for your team or company, if this interests you.

The July Gather event is sponsored by: Anita Barsca Photography, Bluxome Street Winery, Heptio, The Linux Foundation, Mali & Friends, OpenStack, Pivotal and Spring Fertility. We are grateful for this support.

If you’d like to chat with me directly about the workshop or other ways of building social cohesion and confidence within your team setting, please ping me directly on Twitter or send an email to [info at my domain here]. And, you may sign up for the monthly newsletters on the site:

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


