Taming The Information Overwhelm Beast

Patricia Lemieux
8 min readJul 4, 2018

An Overwhelming World

Information overwhelm is one of our most significant challenges in this digital age. We are bombarded from the moment we wake up until the second we fall to sleep.

Despite the vast amounts of data that come your way every day, there are practical methods to filter out, declutter, and end the information overwhelm or at least reduce it to manageable levels.

I’m still learning to tame the beast myself and it’s a daunting task.

A Confession

I’m confessing right here and now that I need as much help as you do. I get it.

Not do you have all the information you need for your job, there’s also the sheer amount you need to know to navigate daily living.

In addition, there is a constant bombardment of factoids, stories, blog posts, news, statistics and other data coming from every direction. It’s a lot to keep up with!

The Four Hour Work Week

I first saw the idea for an information “diet” in Tim Ferriss’s book “The Four Hour Work Week.”. In it, he shows the methods he used to streamline the amount of information coming to him.



Patricia Lemieux

Midlife Blogger, Artist, Seeker, Techie. People tell me I'm funny, but I'm not sure if they mean that in a good way. https://thezenintrovert.com/