Published inBetter ProgrammingAsync/Await Errors As Control Flow and Guards in JavaScript: How To Handle Errors in the Next…How to write clean, asynchronous code with error handling in a beautiful wayOct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
Published inReact WeeklyReact Native and TypescriptThe main intention of this blog post is to show how to setup a React Native project with a Typescript environment as an alternative to…Aug 30, 20165Aug 30, 20165
Empezando con Docker 🐳Una guía de cómo usar Docker para entornos de desarrollo y producción.Aug 21, 20164Aug 21, 20164
Using create-react-app with React Router + Express.jsEDIT: This guide is outdated because it was made before react-router v4.Aug 18, 201647Aug 18, 201647
Sobre la innovación y la libertad de informaciónUna mirada desde el punto de vista de un desarrollador de softwareAug 9, 2016Aug 9, 2016