PMS Step 1: Align Operations with Vision, Mission and Core Values

Patrick Oh
2 min readJul 6, 2022


In setting up your organisation Performance Management System (PMS), it always start with aligning all your operational processes with the organisation’s Vision, Mission and Core Values.

The Vision, Mission and Core Values were established not for show, just because everyone have it. The Vision, Mission and Core Values are what we call as Corporate Culture which simply means how the corporate functions.

Thus, it is important in PMS, organisation are convinced of their Vision, Mission and Core Values, and effectively aligns all their operational processes to it.

Quick Overview of Vision, Mission and Core Values:

Vision is the “WHY” the organisation exists — What the organisation wanted to see from the products and services the organisation offers. It is a short statement “showing” what the organisation hopes to see in future.

Mission is the “ACTION” parts the organisation will focus to fulfil the VISION. It often involve the following:

  • Quality Service Offering
  • Development of Organisation towards High Performance
  • Expansion; multiplication and sustainability

Finally, the CORE VALUES are the values or principles the organisation promotes and uphold in carrying out their MISSION.

How to have PMS aligns with the Vision, Mission and Core Values?


  1. Journey back to your Vision, Mission and Core values
  2. List down all the departments in the organisation; their processes
  3. Establish SMART Goals for these processes
  4. List the Objectives of these Goals
  5. List the Metrics or Key Performance Index for these objectives; whether tangible or intangible

Once you have plan out on how you can measure the Performance, you can then design the strategy and approaches to accomplish them, and in the process, evaluate and improve towards effectiveness and higher productivity.

Note: It is also wise to adopt and integrates the ISO standards based on the types of operations and compliance requirements.

By SG Venture Consulting



Patrick Oh

Patrick is Singapore Certified Mgmt Consultant providing PDPA consultancy, Performance mgmt and Solutions Design and Community Development.