Intuitive Tarot Reading: A Beginner’s Guide to Psychic Tarot and Card Meanings

Patrick Williams
4 min readNov 5, 2023

By Melissa Smith (Author, Publisher) & Cat Baroco (Narrator)

Melissa Smith’s book “Intuitive Tarot Reading” is a primer on the art of tarot reading that focuses on enhancing psychic and intuitive powers. The goal of the book is to provide readers a deeper understanding of the Tarot cards and insightful understandings for both themselves and other people.

A Six-Card Tarot Spread

Intuitive Tarot Reading” is designed to provide readers a thorough understanding of the Tarot, covering everything from the fundamentals of card meanings to the hone of psychic and intuitive abilities for deeper readings.

  1. Tarot Basics:
  • The first section of the book provides an overview of the Tarot, including its background and the design of a typical deck, which typically consists of 78 cards.
  • Melissa Smith gives tips on how to clean and get ready to utilize the cards, as well as discussing the significance of selecting a deck that speaks to the reader.

2. Card Meanings:

  • An in-depth examination of each Tarot card occupies the majority of the book. Each Major Arcana and Minor Arcana card is examined separately, along with its images, traditional meanings, and symbolism.
  • While Smith stresses the need of trusting one’s intuition in Tarot readings, she also invites readers to consider the cards and their interpretations.

3. Intuition and Psychic Development:

  • The growth of psychic and intuitive talents in relation to Tarot reading is one of the book’s main themes.
  • Melissa Smith provides readers with useful exercises and advice to improve their intuitive abilities, including visualization techniques, meditation, and deciphering the meaning behind the imagery and symbols in the cards.
  • She emphasizes that with practice and an open mind, anyone can become psychic.

4. Tarot Spreads and Reading Techniques:

  • To assist novice readers in organizing their readings, the book offers a variety of Tarot spreads and reading strategies.
  • Simple three-card spreads and more intricate arrangements for in-depth readings are among these spreads’ variations. Smith demonstrates how to make efficient use of them to get the answers to certain queries or to see a situation from a wider angle.

5. Ethics and Responsibility:

  • Melissa Smith places a strong emphasis on the moral issues surrounding tarot reading, particularly the significance of getting the subject’s informed consent.
  • She also talks about how a Tarot reader should offer direction and encouragement rather than making forecasts that could cause reliance or disempowerment.

6. Reading for Others:

  • The book provides instructions on how to perform Tarot readings for other people, including how to create a sacred and cozy environment and establish a rapport with the querent (the person getting the reading).
  • Smith exhorts readers to provide readings with empathy and compassion and to believe on their gut feelings.

7. Tarot as a Tool for Self-Discovery:

  • “Intuitive Tarot Reading” emphasizes how Tarot can be used as a tool for personal development and self-discovery. The book talks about how people can use the Tarot to understand their own lives, feelings, and choices.
  • To monitor their development and comprehension of the cards, readers are urged to keep a journal of their observations and readings from the Tarot.

8. Troubleshooting and Common Challenges:

  • Smith answers frequent questions and concerns that new Tarot students might have. She offers techniques for handling intuition blockages and deciphering difficult cards.

9. Advanced Techniques:

  • The book covers certain advanced techniques, such as reversals (upside-down cards) and card combinations to improve the depth and delicacy of readings, even though it is primarily meant for beginners.
Two Tarot Cards — Ace of Sweets and The Staple

Key Takeaways:

  • Intuitive Tarot Reading” is an extensive primer for novices that provides a full grasp of the Tarot, from card interpretations to psychic growth.
  • The book promotes the growth of psychic and intuitive powers as essential components of proficient Tarot reading.
  • Readers can experience Tarot hands-on with the use of practical activities, spreads, and reading techniques.
  • In Tarot reading, ethics and accountability are valued along with the notion that the Tarot is a tool for introspection and personal development.
  • To assist readers in overcoming obstacles and refining their Tarot practice, advanced tactics and troubleshooting advice are provided.
A Medium Practicing Tarot

In conclusion, Melissa Smith’s “Intuitive Tarot Reading” is an approachable and perceptive manual for novices wishing to delve into the Tarot universe. Because of Melissa Smith’s emphasis on psychic growth and intuition, this book is an invaluable tool for anybody looking to get a deeper understanding of the Tarot and give insightful readings to both oneself and others. You can find this book on Audible.

