A Bridge to the FutureThere’s a phrase that is popular in one of the most successful start-up incubators when tutoring their clients: “Do things that don’t…Feb 2, 2016Feb 2, 2016
In Praise of IgnoranceFor better or worse, I’m pretty deeply involved in UK politics. I’m an elected councillor in one of the UK’s core cities. In the past two…Jan 28, 2016Jan 28, 2016
The Memory CheatsBack in 1987, the BBC cast as their new Doctor Who, Sylvester McCoy, a little known comedy actor who would travel time and space paired…Jan 25, 2016Jan 25, 2016
Whoever the leader is, let’s keep their feet to the fireIt’s easy to blame Ed for why we lost. There were so many problems with him, right from day one. And they lasted right through until the…Jun 14, 2015Jun 14, 2015
What is the Labour Party for in 2015?One of Clay Shirky’s more intriguing quotations is this: “Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution”. He…Jun 7, 2015Jun 7, 2015
A presidential candidate, not a party leaderIt was potentially the most important announcement of the whole election campaign. But the ramifications have been almost completely…May 13, 20151May 13, 20151