Non-Tech — Corporations Using AI is the Biggest Joke

Patrick Barneys
2 min readDec 29, 2017


It is almost every week there is an article from an article about how AI is going to change everything. The AI industry is the biggest joke right now. People leading these AI groups have no clue what they are doing.

F500 Corporations trying to use AI

Let’s talk about the banks. What is the point of fancy new offices but you are still doing the same thing in SAS? I know you guys are using SAS Enterprise Miner and R. Why have you not started to use tensorflow or pytorch -> real artificial intelligence? For the few people that use python, what is the point of NLTK that library is garbage, use a RNN.

The hiring practices. The recruitment for AI one of the most stupid concepts I ever heard of. People that get hired to lead teams are PhDs in the most obscure thing, and they try to pass themselves off as Data Scientists. It seems like they got the degree but couldn’t get a job in their field, so they try to pass themselves off as AI experts. What is with hiring PhDs to lead teams with zero real-world work experience, how is a Ph.D. is Biology suppose to know more about neural networks than someone who worked with them daily for 1–2 years.

Employers want like ten years of experience; this has got to be one of my biggest gripes. If I came in the top 5% of a large cash prize for a kaggle competition you think I would be a pretty damn good predictive modeller. There are these clowns with like 20 years of experience who will build you a model with a MSE way higher than yours, but employers would still gravitate towards that candidate over a kaggle winner.

AI is a game for the hungry. With all these technical innovations, researchers have to continually read up on new concepts. If these old school PhDs in comp sci keep peddling SVM or some other crap, how can an organization embrace AI?

PhD Class of 1995 — “But after work I do jackshit to keep learning and aren’t worth my own salt”

Linkedin is also a shitshow. If I see another one of those poser data scientist linking some python, R, sas cheatsheet I will lose it. What is the point of all these cheat sheets? Does any of these so-called Data Scientist have any analyses they can share?

All these corporations are so unaware of the shitshow in AI.

