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Boldness, and again boldness, and always boldness! — Georges Jacques Danton

Explanation: Umm … be bold.

Patrick Byron
6 min readMar 15, 2024


Monsieur Danton

Georges Jacques Danton was a bold man indeed. He switched sides in the French Revolution more often than Alcibiades did in the Peloponnesian War, or more than Winston Churchill switched political parties.

A key player in the French Revolution he also ended up losing his head to the guillotine said, perhaps unintentionally adding an asterisk to his otherwise wonderful quote.

Danton’s quote came in a speech he gave to the French National Assembly essentially urging/ordering people to volunteer for the army to fight against the invading Prussians and Austrians.

The quote is more commonly used with the word “daring” in place of “boldness.” I prefer boldness, as it is burns a little brighter. I like the quote because it touches on something that we could all use a little more of.

The Timid Man

I was meek and mild as a child. Well, hell, I was pretty meek and mild as an adult for a long time. Not like a total pussy or anything, but just more on the reserved side. It’s how I was raised. Yes, I just blamed my parents for my lack of audacity.

