Become Unstoppable by Eliminating Excuses

They Limit Your Success

Patrick Hughes
Ascent Publication


Are You Ready to be Entrefied?

“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” — Benjamin Franklin

I feel too many people are soft today.

They try to make all the kids feel like winners and have no one feel the grief of loss.

If you never taste defeat, how can you truly taste victory?

My Story

I want to let you in on some common excuses and how to overcome them. It’s all possible and within each of you.

This is just one of my many stories.

I was 20 years old and needed to take an internship for my Community College 2-year degree in Computer Networking.

I had not a single place in mind and hours left to find someone to take me in as an intern.

On my first call, I found my county school system where I grew up at and they actually let me intern there.

I had very little experience, very little knowledge, I knew no one, I never had a job in my life because I joined the National Guard and was gone for a year so that was it. I didn’t even have a degree.



Patrick Hughes
Ascent Publication

Are you ready to be Entrefied? Entrepreneurship and Personal Development will get you there. →←