Restore the Inner Child Inside of You

So That You Can Finally Create Fulfillment in Your Life

Patrick Hughes
Ascent Publication


Are You Ready to be Entrefied?

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. -Pablo Picasso

I don’t expect anyone to like what I’m about to say but it’s time we wake up.

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash

People always told me to grow up.

They say, “Enjoy these years while they last.”

Santa Claus isn’t real, movies aren’t real.

These same people now sit in traffic all day, drive a car with 80 payments left, have to ask permission to do anything from their boss like children, and could lose their job and “adult life” at any moment.

Then you have the 7-year-old, Ryan, on YouTube making 22 million a year reviewing toys. I don’t see his suit or degree.

He could buy everything you own and everything your “adult” life has stood for. Remember that next time you think your fancy title makes you better than everyone else.

Welcome to 2019 people, stop letting your dreams be memes.

I think I like the remaining childish option better.

We are so busy telling children all the negatives but what do we tell children IS



Patrick Hughes
Ascent Publication

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