The Formation of Al-Qaeda

Patrick Ippolito
2 min readJul 3, 2016


The formation of Al-Qaeda and ISIS was a result of the Cold War. The Cold War started during the 70’s and the US was doing whatever we could to stop the spread of communism. The US and Russia were both aiding Afghanistan to help improve Afghan infrastructure. In 1978 a violent revolution breaks out in Afghanistan leaving the Afghan Communist Party in power. At this point Afghanistan still claims independence from the USSR despite having strong ties.

Shortly after a group of Islamic Extremist form the Mujahadeen to fight the communist ruled government. The Mujahadeen is furious about the new reforms that called for equality for women and a redistribution of land and they believe they are fighting the Holy war. When American ambassador Adolph Dubs is killed in Afghanistan the US stops sending aid. In 1979 Russia invades Afghanistan and takes control. This leads to an all out war between the Mujahadeen and the communist Afghan army. Almost 4 million Afghans fled to either Pakistan or Iran. In 1984 the Mujahadeen start to receive aid from Osama Bin Laden and in 1985 they start to receive aid from the US, Britain and China. In 1988 Bin Laden forms Al- Qaeda in hopes they can form a government ruled by Islam. Al- Qaeda starts to see some victory against soviet troops, Bin Laden starts to see the US as his last obstacle to forming an Islamic country.

In 1989 officials from The US, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Soviet Union meet in Geneva, the outcome leads to Soviet withdraw and Afghan independence. Al-Qaeda, The Mujaheddin and other rebel factions continue to fight the communist regime that still rules Afghanistan. In 1995 the Taliban, another Islam Militia, comes into power after they promise peace.

Al-Qaeda finally turns his attention on the US and attacks two American embassies in Africa. The US responds by bombing Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan in hopes of getting Bin Laden and other officials. Unfortunately they weren’t at the camps. Al-Qaeda goes on to pull of the largest terrorist attack on US soil September 11th, 2001. They hijacked 4 planes and crashed 2 into the world trade center, one into the pentagon and one that missed its target and crashed in a field in Virginia, the death toll was in the thousands.

The US was not going to allow Bin Laden get away with these attacks. In 2011 a group of Navy Seals stormed his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan with expert precision. With almost no mistakes they leave the compound with Osama Bin Laden’s dead body and intelligence to stop planned upcoming terrorist attacks.

