Published inQuant Five10 Lessons on Starting a Software BusinessLast year I started this software business, Q5. We build software for clients, as well as our own products. We do 6 figure contracts and…Aug 6, 20182Aug 6, 20182
Published inQuant FiveSpeed up Django Nested Foreign Key Serializers w/ prefetch_relatedIf you’re here just for the solution, JUMP HERE.Apr 30, 20185Apr 30, 20185
Published inQuant FiveMultiple pending tx’s for Ethereum BlockchainClap your hands (or just give me a clap!) if you’re building a dapp for Ethereum and you’re annoyed by the tooling around it. Geth is a…Jan 27, 20182Jan 27, 20182
Published inQuant FiveNode.js with Amazon SDK for S3 uploadsAmazon’s documentation is notoriously horrible. On one of our projects, we needed to upload files to s3 with node.js. Getting the…Jan 17, 20181Jan 17, 20181
Published innbycreadsAffirmative Action: the Asian perspectiveThis week I want to explore affirmative action. Everyone always talks about hispanics, blacks, and whites in this conversation but I often…Aug 5, 2017Aug 5, 2017
Published inPatrick LuGetting Started with create-react-app + Yarn + Redux + React-Router + Aphrodite + React Hot Module…I’ve previously written posts on how to get started with front end development using React. If you’re new to coding or React, go view that…Jul 23, 20172Jul 23, 20172
Published innbycreadsWhat is the Paris Accord & why did the US pull out?The US is one of 3 countries in the world who aren’t part of the Paris Accord. The two others: Nicaragua and Syria. Trump gave many reasons…Jun 11, 2017Jun 11, 2017
Published innbycreadsSilicon Valley Hiring: a Case Study — 5/2/17This week I want to explore issues around hiring, including legal hiring rights and hiring diversity. We’re going to explore this topic…Apr 23, 2017Apr 23, 2017
Published inPatrick LuIntro to Web Dev & ReactJS day 2So for today’s guide, we’re going to want to hook up the front end we’ve built with the backend.Mar 29, 2017Mar 29, 2017
Published inPatrick LuTutorial: Intro to Web Dev & ReactJS day 1In this introduction, we’ll go through the basics of ReactJS and build a basic login system.Mar 26, 20171Mar 26, 20171