Four Hot Miniseries.

Patrick Prescott
4 min readJul 18, 2024

Miniseries have taken nudity and violence to much higher levels than movies. Here are four that I found satisfied my need for great nudity with a terrific story.

HBO’s Rome.

Polly Walker

First and foremost is Polly Walker as Atia. Talk about a woman you love to hate but standing full frontal nude in an atrium pool talking to her son, Octavian, is a sight to remember for a lifetime. She’s in an out of bed with a Jewish horse salesman because she likes goatie little men. Has an on again off again relationship with Mark Anthony with lots of romping in bed. She carries the whole show.

Kerry Condon

Kerry Condon as Octavia. A sad tale. She’s happily married, but momma wants to marry her to Pompey as he needs a wife and keep him tied to Caesar. When she resists, she has her husband killed. She makes her bed Pompey so he can sample the goods. He’s not impressed and marries another. Later she is forced to marry Mark Anthony, but the marriage is crazy. Atia is screwing Mark Anthony while Octavia is screwing another man she loves.



Patrick Prescott

Patrick Prescott is a retired history/English teacher and author of Human Sacrifices and other novels available on Kindle.