The Divided States of America

Patrick Riley
2 min readJun 25, 2022


by patrick dennis riley 2021

how lonely she is now this once united country.

abandoned is she who was mistress over nations.

the princess among the provinces has been made a lowly peasant.

how negligent she was this once powerful country,

accepting a tyrant as her lover who weakened relations with other nations.

the princess among the provinces had lost credibility among world leaders.

how vulnerable she was this once healthy country,

believing the decrees of a demaogue who denied the deadliness of covid.

the princess among the provinces mourns the deaths of over 1,000,000 souls.

how illogically conscientious are those who continue to refuse vaccination, clinging to misinformation, not heeding reliable scientific information.

the princess among the provinces cautions the unvaccinated that only they are dying from covid, not the vaccinated.

how much in peril she was this once united nation when her disgruntled would-be despot incited the january six insurrection in an effort to overthrow a presidential election.

the princess among the provinces has chosen a new more trusted ardent lover who is attempting to unify this nation.

how fragile she is now this once righteous and unshakeable nation that could not unify even when faced with a deadly pandemic crisis.

politicians continually use and abuse our constitution to advance their own divergent selfish interests.

the solution to our national disunity problem is not more lies, insurrection attacks, seceding, escalation of our political cold war, or the possibility of another civil war,

but rather a personal individual examination of conscience by everyone involved, and prayer to do the right thing.

how lonely she is now this once united country. abandoned is she who was mistress over nations.

the princess among the province has been made a lowly peasant.

Photo by Kuzzat Altay on Unsplash

