Patrick Shane
3 min readDec 16, 2023

“Patrick Shane: Unraveling the Mysteries of Me (with a Lighter-Side)”

Meet Patrick Shane, the man who turned the rubber stamp of education into a poetic quill, crafting his own narrative in the small town he calls home. As a kid, Patrick believed that getting a 100 out of 100 in Mathematics was the golden ticket to success — the key to either becoming a glorified servant of the public or a private business maniac. Little did he know that life had more twists than a pretzel.

Photo by Anoushka Puri on Unsplash

With a penchant for chasing grades like a dog after a tennis ball, Patrick’s house resonated with the repetitive mantra: “Unless you’re acing Math, you’re as useful as a screen door on a submarine.” A clean score in Mathematics was apparently the secret sauce to life, a recipe for a future filled with calculators and corporate monotony.

Against the odds, Patrick stumbled into the world of marine engineering, a path as unexpected as finding a vegetarian at a barbecue joint. He sailed the high seas, navigating through waves of uncertainty until he reached the summit of his profession — the coveted position of Chief Engineer. Rumor has it that even the whales bowed down in awe of his nautical prowess.

After leaving the ocean’s embrace, Patrick found himself on dry land, working for a budding business tycoon who probably thought squeezing lemons was child’s play compared to Patrick’s work ethic. He became the Benjamin Button of the workforce, aging in reverse with the number of hours he put into his job. His boss onshore became his idol, not because of the corner office but because he had the audacity to challenge Patrick’s sleep cycle.

Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

Fast forward through a few business ventures, a partnership that felt like a never-ending three-legged race, and an ambition to build a shopping mall with a book store — a dream that clashed with his partner’s affinity for street corner bookshops. In the grand scheme of things, Patrick realized that life’s a lot like a shopping mall: you go in with a plan, get lost, and somehow end up with more baggage than you intended.

Now, at the ripe age of 54, Patrick Shane, the man who once believed Math was the key to the universe, sits back and reflects on his journey. With 13 years of business under his belt, he’s ready to share his experiences in a series of blogs that promise to tackle life’s most pressing issues — starting with stress. Because let’s face it, if anyone knows about stress, it’s the guy who thought building a shopping mall was a good idea.

But wait, there’s more to Patrick than just conquering the business world. He strums a guitar like he’s serenading a mermaid and has composed tunes so catchy they should come with a warning label. So, as we embark on this journey of creative exchanges with Patrick Shane, the man who defied the odds and made Math his sidekick, let’s join the chorus and say, “I am Patrick Shane, and I’m here to make you laugh, think, and maybe even tap your foot to the rhythm of life.”