Cardano DeFi #009: WingRiders

Patryk | Interviewing Cardano
5 min readAug 7, 2023


Written interviews with DeFi projects on the Cardano blockchain.

Cardano DeFi project WingRiders

Today’s guest on the Cardano DeFi column is one of the post popular DEXes on Cardano, first to introduce many innovative features: WingRiders.

The previous guest was a project on a mission to revolutionize affordable housing across the African continent through our earn-with-impact project.

This initiative is a point of reference for Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on Cardano and every week or two we will invite someone to answer some questions and give us an update directly from within the Cardano community.

Hey, glad to have you here. Please introduce your team, where are you from, what are your backgrounds?

We are a team of tech developers, marketors and DeFi enthusiasts aiming to create a strong DEX and ecosystem with our community. We strongly believe in Cardano and hope that in time, the blockchain will speak for itself. Many of us have been in crypto for years, while some are learning. This allows us to look at both sides of the coin, to work together with the advanced and learning sides of the community and grow together.

Crypto is still growing, and there is a strong need for well developed apps that can provide the necessary benefits for those who are starting, while giving the advanced features and tools to those who are ready or seasoned.

What is WingRiders and what makes you stand out among the other DeFi protocols?

WingRiders is a Decentralized Exchange on Cardano. You can swap crypto tokens, stake them, farm them and access DeFi services all on our APP.

We have been very lucky to be the first to introduce different features and updates into Cardano. 1st Cardano DEX with Direct Wallet Hardware Integrations, 1st DEX with ADA Auto Staking and Stake Pool Voting, 1st to Bring StableSwap Pools and Farms, 1st DEX offering Multiple Yield Reward Opportunities, 1st Cardano DEX Offering Integration with Third-Party dApps and more.

To be at the front for many of these has been fantastic, as we want to work on bringing Cardano and DEXes to the world.

On social media you will see us focus on security, open access to use the DEX with over 12 wallets, and a real desire to be building together with new or experienced people in crypto.

The WingRiders community drives the project forward, with DAO proposals and votes, and in the months past, the project has improved greatly. Including UI updates, for pro trading utility, better visual graphs, light and dark modes for the app, as well as the ability to sort through and download important data from actions on the DEX across farming and pools.

What is Project Catalyst and can you give us an overview of your current proposals and how users can vote?

Project Catalyst is Cardano’s decentralized innovation fund and voting platform. It empowers the CardanoCommunity, to propose, vote, and fund projects that will elevate the entire ecosystem.

WingRiders is always aiming to grow and build better, and we can share the following proposals for you to look at:

Each of the proposals goes into detail about why and what benefits it can bring. As well as time to complete. It can be complicated, so feel free to reach out in our community if you have any questions. We are always ready to help.

The process also requires that you meet the following requirements to bring change as seen on the official website here.

To sum up, you will need 500 ADA, register before August 17th and download the app on your phone.

We hope to develop bigger and better upgrades, and this will be a huge avenue to achieve it.

What do you think needs to happen so that the masses understand the benefits of using decentralized exchanges? Where do you think the current bottleneck is and how are you addressing it?

Education is key, and working with the community is where real growth will be found. DeFi is a difficult concept, where understanding finance, self ownership and security best practises are extremely important. Knowledge is power, and it is a key element as to why Cardano has value.

WingRiders understand that having simple, well designed apps are essential for growing use in DeFi. The development team always works to implement the DAO proposals that have passed, and to facilitate the best experience possible wanted by the community. There are many more areas to address for all Blockchain and DeFi apps, but this process has already allowed the platform to undergo a lot of change, with much more to come.

Explaining and creating easy concepts for everything DeFi is difficult, for farming, staking, swapping, adding liquidity, etc. but with more collaboration in the space, it should be possible to accommodate resources to guide and help everyone on their journey. DeFi is already innovative, but the resources and guides out there are more than good enough. It is important to direct each other to useful material, rather than do everything again from the start.

Amazing. Any closing thoughts? Where can people learn more about WingRiders?

We have ongoing discussions in Discord, talking about the market, tech, Cardano and more. Come and say hello, talk to our Avatars, Wink the Robot, community moderators and join in with the community to discuss everything you are interested in for DeFi, DEXes and more.

If you like to watch content, guides and learn or get involved this way, we have starter guides covering swaps, farming, DAO voting, pro trading tips and more on Youtube. Hours of content is waiting for you.

Finally, if you want to follow on Twitter, we run giveaways, work with other projects in Cardano and share info, updates and more for the DEX. We also have fun Fridays, so if you want to come along and have fun while learning about what we are, and what we do, it’s completely free and you can learn and earn with our monthly competitions, quizzes and giveaways.

DeFi, DEXes and Crypto don’t need to be boring or done alone. So come and join in on the fun.

WingRiders ➡️Twitter ➡️Discord ➡️Telegram ➡️Reddit ➡️YouTube

Disclaimer: The opinions and views of the people interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Cardano Foundation or IOG. Moreover, this content is for educational purposes, it doesn’t constitute financial advice.



Patryk | Interviewing Cardano

Cardano Ambassador | Writer and Translator | Watch “Dominion (2018)” on YouTube