Cardano NFTs #067: Flux Point Studios

Patryk | Interviewing Cardano
5 min readMar 28, 2024


Written interviews with NFT projects on the Cardano blockchain.

Today’s Cardano NFT project is a gaming innovation studio that focuses on building highly engaging game experiences that intersect with blockchain and AI technology: Flux Point Studios.

The previous guest was a fully in-browser anime MMOARPG featuring PVE Expedition modes, PVP Arena modes and advanced guild mechanics.

This column is where I invite NFT projects to share their stories and vision as a way to connect with and learn about the Cardano Community.

Hey, glad to have you here. Please introduce your team, where are you from, what are your backgrounds?

Nathaniel (decimalist) MintonCEO & Founder of Flux Point Studios, Inc. Ex-professional gamer from Utah, USA. Over 15 years of Leadership & Project Management experience.

Yohan (Robert) Girardin — native French now residing in Japan. Boasting 5 years of experience in Unity and Unreal Engine game development.

FlamTam — handles Community Operations, hailing from Ireland. Decimalist and FlamTam met while in the CardanoCrocsClub NFT community.

Sofio James Rosal — is our Discord Community Manager of Flux Point Studios, Inc. Sofio has been in the Cardano space for more than 3 years. He has over 9 years in the IT industry, specializing in Microsoft Infrastructure Technology.

Awesomeisjayell — is the face of digital marketing and partnership efforts. He is also a musician, streamer, and the host of Beast on Air (@BEASTONAIRSIGN).

What is Flux Point Studios? What is $SHARDS? And why have you chosen Cardano?

Flux Point Studios is a gaming innovation studio that focuses on building highly engaging game experiences that intersect with blockchain and AI technology, where it makes sense.

$SHARDS is the ultimate utility token of the FPS ecosystem. It provides utility through governance voting power, in-game transactions, access to exclusive content, and more!

We launched our first game PFP Pit Brawl in April of 2023 which has served as our proof of concept for our tech integrations. While only a Unity WebGL browser-based game. It boast impressive web3 features such as:

  • Compete-To-Earn: Where the Top 10 players on the leaderboard collect a weekly $SHARDS reward for gaining/maintaining their position.
  • In-game marketplace: Where players can purchase upgrades and items for their characters.
  • NFT Avatars: Where players connect their wallets from Cardano, Ethereum, Solana, and even Bitcoin networks to utilize their NFTs as characters to play with.
  • Dynamic NFT updates: Our NFTs are not required to play, but players who choose to use NFTs from our collection unlock the ability to Level Up, which is recorded on-chain.

Our flagship product TRIB3 is currently available to add to the wishlist on Epic Games Store for PC, Xbox, and Playstation platforms. TRIB3 has all the look and feel of a triple A gaming experience and we are so excited to deliver it as free-to-play. Although, it will have web3 features integrated–they are not aggressive or obnoxious. To those gamers who have no desire to use blockchain tech, they are not required to. Rather, we enable it for those who want to use it and educate those who want to eventually try it.

Although FPS is a multichain business–we chose to start this venture on Cardano due to the blockchain’s ability to most effectively approach the crypto trilemma of decentralization, security, and scaling. Both Pit Brawl and TRIB3 support various blockchain technologies, including Cardano, Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and more catering to diverse player preferences.

What synergies do you envision between NFTs and gaming? And how do you respond to traditional gamers who say NFTs lead to Pay-to-Win mechanics?

Traditional gaming studios have long operated under a model that’s increasingly at odds with the interests of players. In this model, players are often encouraged to invest in in-game purchases, such as digital assets, subscriptions, and premium content, which offer limited to no return on investment. The assets acquired, despite their often hefty price tags, quickly become obsolete or are confined to very specific content within the game. This not only diminishes the value of the player’s investment but also restricts their engagement to a narrow slice of the gaming experience. Such practices, while profitable for the studios, fail to recognize the assets’ lack of inherent value outside the game’s immediate context, leading to a model that’s fundamentally unsustainable and increasingly disconnected from the needs and aspirations of the gaming community.

Contrast that with the world of NFTs and blockchain gaming, where the game changes entirely. Here, players aren’t just spending; they’re investing in assets that hold real-world value, can be sold or traded, and, most importantly, are truly owned by them. These digital assets aren’t confined to a single game or ecosystem. They carry their value and utility across platforms. It’s a shift from a consumption-based model to one of ownership and investment, where players have the autonomy to shape their gaming experience and its outcomes. This approach not only respects the player’s contributions but also aligns with a future where gaming is more than entertainment — it’s a dynamic, participant-driven market. It’s about flipping the script, making every player’s investment in time and money something that holds lasting value, beyond fleeting in-game achievements.

Traditional gamers who say “NFTs lead to Pay-to-Win mechanics” are only describing a particular revenue model. There are most definitely game studios that will implement this model, but there are others that will leverage NFTs for cosmetic purposes which will not have any effective impact on gameplay. The two ideas are mutually exclusive.

What is a DAO? And how are you implementing this structure in your project? What will it enable?

DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomus Organization. Although, the term definition has been broadened beyond its original description–it is used to describe a collective of individuals having a say in–and making governing decisions for–a particular organization.

At Flux Point, we envision a world where gaming is not only about excitement and challenge but also about meaningful participation and co-creation. We aim to solidify a system where every player’s voice can lead to tangible changes and where the games we develop are a testament to our collective imagination and innovation. Your votes will directly influence game development, strategy, and growth decisions, ensuring that Flux is always in a state of just that–because things that remain rigid break.

Great contribution. Any closing comments? Where can people learn more about Flux Point Studios?

You can learn more about Flux Point Studios by

Disclaimer: The opinions and views of the people interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Cardano Foundation or IOG. Moreover, this content is for educational purposes, it doesn’t constitute financial advice.



Patryk | Interviewing Cardano

Cardano Ambassador | Writer and Translator | Watch “Dominion (2018)” on YouTube