NyQuil Overdose Symptoms

2 min readJun 1, 2017


NyQuil is an over-the-counter drug for treating cool side effects. At the point when utilized as demonstrated by the mark, NyQuil is, for the most part, sheltered and very much endured. In any case, utilization of more than the prescribed dosage of NyQuil can bring about serious indications.

The four major dynamic fixings in NyQuil are doxylamine, pseudoephedrine, acetaminophen and dextromethorphan. The last two fixings, acetaminophen, and dextromethorphan are in charge of the majority of the overdose impacts.

General Symptoms

Some of the time, individuals purposefully overdose on NyQuil and think what does Nyquil do. A NyQuil overdose can incite a few impacts on the cerebrum and mental state, including sentiments of uneasiness, eagerness or anxiety. An across the board feeling warmth or shivering may likewise happen. Also, an extensive measurement of NyQuil may prompt unsteadiness or languor. After an overdose of NyQuil, a few people encounter dry mouth and lost craving.

Dextromethorphan Overdose Symptoms

Dextromethorphan is a hack suppressant found in many icy meds, including NyQuil. An overdose of dextromethorphan can bring about genuine breathing issues, including moderate, toiled breathing or shallow breaths. Expansive measurements of dextromethorphan may likewise quit breathing entirely. Quick heart beat, modified pulse, obscured vision, blockage, muscle or intestinal fits, sickness and reaching additionally may happen. Can NyQuil help you sleep is the great issue run in your mind, actually yes you would have a peaceful sleep.

Dextromethorphan can likewise have a few mental impacts, including tiredness, wooziness, mind flights, shakings and now and then trance-like state. An overdose may also bring about an extensive increment in body temperature, known as hyperthermia. An overdose of dextromethorphan may also make the fingernails and lips hand pale blue over shading, clarifies MedlinePlus.

Acetaminophen Overdose Symptoms

The acetaminophen show in NyQuil can bring about particular issues if a lot of NyQuil are ingested. Acetaminophen, here and there contracted APAP, is a typical agony reliever and fever reducer. Utilization of a lot of acetaminophens has been known to bring about serious liver harm and different indications.

The immediate signs of an acetaminophen overdose incorporate sickness, regurgitating, loss of hunger, expanded sweating, and stomach torment. General shortcoming and conditions of mental perplexity may likewise come about. Long haul side effects of liver harm may also create after an acetaminophen overdose, incorporating extreme agony in the region of the liver, dull pee, and jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes.

