AI Singularity realistically by 2029: year-by-year milestones

Paul Pallaghy, PhD
9 min readMay 25, 2023

This existential threat could even come as early as, say, 2026. Or might even be a good thing, but whatever the Singularity exactly is, although it’s uncertain in nature, it’s becoming clearer in timing and much closer than most predicted.

AI is nevertheless hard to predict, but many agree with me that with GPT-4 we’re close to AGI (artificial general intelligence) already.

Add five years to that. Imagine. The mods required to turn GPT-4 into serviceable AGI are arguably much easier than the serendipitous 70 year route to GPT-4.

When? CREDIT | Craig Bellamy

Something it’s important to appreciate is that AGI that could lead to the Singularity, the alleged future explosion of self-advancement of AI, need not be self-aware conscious.

AGI could arguably, simply be little more than GPT-4 or 5 plus long and short-term memory and perhaps some training to make appropriate goals.

Some people seem to expect or insist that AGI must be virtually artificial ‘life’ and put it off into the distant future.

That’s really not necessary.

Think Turing Test behavioralism or ‘philosophical zombies’, human-like AIs without consciousness.



Paul Pallaghy, PhD

PhD Physicist / AI engineer / Biophysicist / Futurist into global good, AI, startups, EVs, green tech, space, biomed | Founder Pretzel Technologies Melbourne AU