ChatGPT: the stunningly simple key to the emergence of understanding

Paul Pallaghy, PhD
5 min readDec 21, 2022
How ChatGPT likely looks at the world of language . . and logic.

We all are wondering how ChatGPT can understand us so well — and generate reams of impressively as-per-ordered text — given that it is only trained to predict the next word.

Of course it helps to have some skills in understanding if your aim is to predict the next word in sequence decently.

But GPT continues to ‘predict’, let’s say, create, the sentences and paragraphs so well that not only is the generated text syntactically and grammatically correct but the output reveals an uncanny ability of GPT to appear to precisely understand your query and/or reference text. And the internet training.

How does ChatGPT / GPT-3 do that?

Is it just that it’s seen just about every sentence pattern that exists?

Hierarchy & combination

The simple answer is . . no . . the key is how ChatGPT handles hierarchy, that is, the different levels of structure in your query, prompt or reference document.

And the handling of the combination of these levels.

Not to mention the occurrences and combinations of the nestings of meanings in all the terabytes of training text.



Paul Pallaghy, PhD

PhD Physicist / AI engineer / Biophysicist / Futurist into global good, AI, startups, EVs, green tech, space, biomed | Founder Pretzel Technologies Melbourne AU