No exaggeration: Tesla EV Model Y is 25% more efficient than its nearest rival

Paul Pallaghy, PhD
7 min readMay 4, 2023

I am not a Tesla fan boy (OK, I am). But only because I’m a fan of insanely good technology.

I only harp on about Tesla because they have said the right thing and done it.

They’ve invested and done the hard yards of 20 years of research and development. As if their life depended on it.

To cast cheap (and mindless IMO) shots at Tesla is to mock 20 years of insightful and hard-worn R&D.

CREDIT | Tesla + My TV

I cannot express more strongly that if other companies would just emulate Tesla’s model of fanatically pushing forward in innovation and manufacturing efficiency the world would be a better place.

It’s not about Tesla.

It’s about getting rid of pure old-style business guy leaders and switching in optimistic innovation and customer-focused technology guys.

The new style is, no advertising necessary, and a modification of ‘build it and they will come’:

“Invest in the technology and they will come”

Even when all the naysayers are mocking and jeering.

Tesla is still light years ahead



Paul Pallaghy, PhD

PhD Physicist / AI engineer / Biophysicist / Futurist into global good, AI, startups, EVs, green tech, space, biomed | Founder Pretzel Technologies Melbourne AU