Tesla is ultra-profitable & will soon be bigger than Google and Apple combined

Paul Pallaghy, PhD
11 min readFeb 9, 2023
IMAGE CREDIT | Charlie Bilello

Look at Tesla’s growth in revenue and net income as of February 2023. And the implied per car margin / efficiency? 3–4x better than almost all competitors!

Its profit is higher than Ford and GM now. And not far off Toyota’s. Those naysayers the last decade? They were nutters because they refused to track the technology.

Model Y is the best selling car — of any type — in numerous countries.

Tesla has become literally the most efficient mass market auto manufacturer globally as measured by margin, is now manufacturing very high quality vehicles (including with respect to ‘panel gap’) and producing at a rate of around 2 million cars a year — it’s not small any longer — and has so many other feathers to it’s cap including highest safety ratings, vertical integration and AI.

Those TSLA sellers last 3 months?

Worrying about demand?

They were nuts. As we’ve been saying all along.

From my almost unread article last month . .


Each of the 5 Tesla businesses are easily worth around an Apple or a Google IMO:

  1. EVs
  2. FSD / robo-taxis



Paul Pallaghy, PhD

PhD Physicist / AI engineer / Biophysicist / Futurist into global good, AI, startups, EVs, green tech, space, biomed | Founder Pretzel Technologies Melbourne AU