The Tesla push on FSD is to be applauded, but instead non-techies cry ‘fraud’

Paul Pallaghy, PhD
3 min readDec 12, 2022
CNN Business reports the interesting — and likely true — defence taken by Tesla. IMAGE CREDIT | CNN

Full self driving (FSD) is one of the toughest tech challenges in active development today and, contrary to noisy stock and court room drama reports, the real proponents are actually winning.

If you based your assessment of the fundamentals on autonomous vehicles (AVs) and FSD (the smarts that powers AVs) on the mainstream media you’d think It was all over.

  • Multiple AV projects have failed including Ford’s Argo startup & Hyundai & Audi efforts
  • Bloomberg reports $100B wasted on AVs for no FSD
  • Tesla is defending itself in a law suit that they lied to shareholders claiming FSD would work by 2018

What’s really going on?

FSD is winning

But Waymo’s LIDAR & high-res pre-mapped-based trials of totally driverless commercial services in San Francisco and Phoenix are looking like early successes.

You can swipe your credit card and hop in! Watch the customer YouTubes.

The latest beta release ver of Tesla’s vision-only-based system is clocking up numerous surprisingly good real-world trip videos.

Zero critical interventions. Few trivial ones either.



Paul Pallaghy, PhD

PhD Physicist / AI engineer / Biophysicist / Futurist into global good, AI, startups, EVs, green tech, space, biomed | Founder Pretzel Technologies Melbourne AU