Jamaican Death Country Style

A Sunny Alexander-Johnson And Henry James Series

P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth


Photo by CMDR Shane on Unsplash

My name is Sunny Alexander-Johnson, and I’m Henry James, and we’re writers for Dark Sides of the Truth magazine.

When the alarm began a soft chime, I opened my eyes, pulled back the covers, and swung my feet to the floor. After giving my orbs a perfunctory rub down, I turned and gazed at my bed partner.

For several seconds I watched the gentle rise and fall of her breasts and smiled. She had one slender arm raised above her head, and her lips were pursed as if kissing someone in her sleep.

Hopefully, she was dreaming of me. If she wasn’t, I intended to change that.

I leaned toward her and brushed her lips with my own. She stirred, then moaned, a sensuous sounding acknowledgment of my presence.

As she returned my affection, her arm slid in place around the back of my neck. The touch of her fingertips was soft against my skin as she returned the favor. Finally, I broke away and returned to the edge of the bed.

“Good morning Henry.”

“Morning, Cynthia. You slept okay?”

She grinned and chuckled, the gravely sound of her laughter filling me with warmth.



P.G. Barnett
Dark Sides of the Truth

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.