Why Does Death Always Come in Threes

The Rule of Three

Paul W. Papa


How many times have you heard that death comes in threes? A celebrity dies and what do we do? We count, saying “That’s one,” while we wait for two and three to follow. And you know what? It always does.

Last week was a difficult week for me. After a rough, painful night with my dog, we had to put him down because his liver was failing him. This little fellow had been with me for over sixteen years, having been passed around to four different homes in his first six months of life. Because of that, he took to me like peanut butter to jelly. He was loyal, loving, and a great companion, but his death was sudden and it shook me.

Jet and me on my patio

Less than a week later, my favorite singer, Jimmy Buffett, died. I’d first heard his song Margaritaville when I was a teenager in a small town in Wyoming. I’d never had a margarita and probably didn’t even know what one was, but the song resonated with me — I’m not sure I can tell you why, but it did. Thirty-some concerts later, I’ve become a parrothead with the T-shirts to prove it.

On the early morning of September 2, my wife, who was on the internet, turned to me and announced, “Oh, no! Jimmy Buffett’s dead!” It was a belt to the gut.



Paul W. Papa

Paul W. Papa is an award-winning fiction and non-fiction writer who makes his home in Sin City. You can find out more about his writing at paulwpapa.com.