Like a punch in the face from a super heros glowing fist.


Paul Watson
2 min readJan 26, 2020


I am in a writing group and a very nice lady asked how she could write better violent scenes in her books as she has led a very sheltered life, so has limited experience with this subject .
I like to help and share my wisdom. Here is my reply .

“ Black Friday has been and gone. How about cutting roses off at the stem at restaurant tables for valentines day. It’s a sure way to experience the authenticity of pure human rage , if you make enough rude gestures you could also experience some sort after violence. Just remember to either get a friend to video these priceless encounters , as a notepad and pencil kinda never works while you are dodging fists and profanities.
Just try and think about where you would see humans acting their worst .
Here are a few examples for you to immerse yourself in some violently charged places.
Sit in at the local police station on a Friday night pay day.
Go to the small claims court and watch the pent up rage bottled and barley kept in control .
Maybe even travel the speed limit around your town , watch and see the road rage.
Go to MMA tournament , and maybe a Gucci Sale afterwards.
Go feed the ducks at the pond , feed one duck only ….
Report your husband for peddling drugs , watch how the police brutally take him down. and as a bonus , you will get to experience first hand rage when he gets home.
My favorite is jamming revolving doors with people inside.( Just use your foot to jam the turning door , and bend your body to hide from those you have trapped inside )Watch carefully as your victims start acting out a scene from the movie “Quarantine” , your captives start to claw on the glass in a helpless feeble way , it will take them a few to realize they are trapped. . Then when they figure out that you are the culprit for their captivity, it turns into Zombie rage , Violent threats and frothing at the mouth..
Just make sure you have an escape route planned.
So there you have it , a few brief encounters with violence to help you write with true conviction and deep understanding.
Your in revolving doors.



Paul Watson

Mystic, soother, sayer, listener, poet, sailor, photographer, and misfit, artist, experimenter. Please show you support of my work,