Accomplished Project Manager in La Grange, John Gizowski, On Better Project Management During Stressful Times

Paul Johnson
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


Project management is a profession that requires a person to deal with quick deadlines, a wide range of people and a vast array of scenarios. As a project manager, you need to be able to handle stressful times without them negatively impacting the quality of your work.

Over his successful career, John Gizowski of La Grange, IL has developed a few proven tips to improve project management during stressful times.

Set a Calm Example

Successful project managers can set a calm example for their team members, regardless of the circumstances. When people are looking to you for direction, how you deliver those directions is significantly affected by your emotional state at the time. Having a poor temperament at such moments can cause the progress of any project to slow down, leading to unsatisfactory results or missed deadlines.

Be Decisive

The forward momentum of a project won’t stop just because you need to make a difficult decision. This is why project managers are required to be decisive and make important decisions quickly. Because such decision making requires you to act on your instincts and trust your past experiences to guide the choices in front of you, a work environment that is continually challenging you to be better is created as a result. Because of this, many of today’s best and brightest business minds are attracted to project management positions.

Embrace Uncertainty

There are a lot of uncertainties that project managers need to deal with during a challenging project. Viewing these uncertainties in a positive and constructive light, as opposed to fearing them, is what makes a successful project manager. Through this uncertainty, smart project managers can build their skills and find new opportunities for growth, and in turn, create better results over time.

Handle Conflicts Quickly

Conflicts are inevitable in any workplace. This is especially true in many of the settings that project managers find themselves in, due to the tight deadlines and demanding issues that such managers and their teams encounter daily. Good project managers strive to handle conflicts within their groups quickly, fairly and with the most precise level of communication possible. As long as conflicts are approached in this way, there’s no reason that they should impact a project.

Of course, these are just a few of the many ways that you can do better at project management under stressful circumstances. By being decisive, setting a calm example for your fellow team members, handling conflicts quickly and fairly and embracing uncertainty, you’ll become an effective leader and complete all of your projects successfully.

About John Gizowski: Throughout his career, John Gizowski, La Grange Project Manager and Engineer, has stood out with his hands-on approach to solving large problems and creating products that exceed performance standards for corporations. From his beginnings as an engineering technician to his current position as a project manager, Gizowski has always tackled his work with an organized attack plan to deliver quality on deadline.



Paul Johnson

I am a freelance journalist, serial entrepreneur, and consultant. For the last 20 years I've covered business stories for online and print publications.