Happy Birthday

P.A. Gooden
1 min readNov 25, 2023


Piece of Cake | photo by Matt Elliot Gooden | Eyelid Wave (MP Publishing)

Dawn brings

a silhouette of dogs

on this special day

otherwise ordinary day:

the day of your first

breath and cry,

the mere sight of you

making your mother sigh

at your beauty

— the first sight of it —

and you, not having

anything to do with it!

Still slimy and shell-shocked

but they loved you anyway.

Now, here you are,

years stacked like kombucha mothers.

May your wishes come true,

and my wish for you: may you

find everything you’re looking for,

everything you need,

that your happiness won’t dwindle

but grow grow grow

like you’ve done all these years.

Thank you for reading! I am excited about creative ways to share in the digital advent — I also share poems on IG and TikTok. If you like instrumental music that enhances day-to-day life, listen to our music on Bandcamp.



P.A. Gooden

Writing my way through life! / Straight from outside / Music-Art-Poetry-Health / Jesus Christ