5 Absolutely Free Self Care Ideas

Paula Farris
2 min readSep 2, 2019


Self Care Sunday

Self Care, in my opinion, is absolutely essential. I highly recommend that everyone take at least 15 minutes a day (an hour is even better!) to take care of themselves.

And, no, a shower and a good meal don’t count as self care. What I mean by self care is doing something just for you, something you enjoy, something you want to do.

And guess what? There are lots of fun, exciting, enjoyable, relaxing things to do that don’t cost a dime. So while you are spending time on yourself, you won’t have to feel guilty about spending the money, too.

Here are some ideas for you:

Take a walk

Not for exercise, although that is a definite perk of this form of self care, but to see what you can see. To hear what you can hear. To breathe deeply. Even better if you can walk through a park or a forest or somewhere outdoors.

Learn a New Language

The app Duolingo is free (there is a paid option, but the free version works great, too.) Download the app and choose from almost 100 different languages. Enjoy your new skill.

Take a nap.

Power naps make a huge difference for me. I can be dragging through my day, lie down and sleep for 15–30 minutes, and be a powerhouse for the rest of the day. It’s like I have rebooted myself. It’s Amazing!

Have a cuddle session

Preferably with your child or spouse, but if you’re feeling brave, maybe you know someone else who could use a hug. Hugs have a way of relaxing us even on really stressful days.

Have a dance party

Turn on your favorite playlist and let loose. If you’re a terrible dancer, who cares. You’re not competing on America’s Got Talent, you’re just unwinding a bit. If someone is watching, invite them to join you. Bonus points for singing along, too.

Give yourself permission to relax. You are worth it!

Do you have a favorite low cost or no cost self care tip? Share it in the comments.

