My experience with Emily Campbell, a pig-butchering romance scammer operating OEXBAKE crypto exchange websites.

6 min readJul 7, 2024


This relationship, was built over a decent period of time. Starting initially via a WhatsApp wrong text, which I was at the time, too naive to just ignore it. I explained the wrong number situation, and that led to us talking about our days. This went on for weeks. Every morning, every night, we messaged. Sometimes about our day, about our past, about our wants in life. I’ve had real relationships that weren’t as deep as the conversations we would have. This wasn’t exclusively via WhatsApp messaging, we would call, and video call, whilst exchanging plenty of images of eachother throughout the day. Fortunately, there was nothing sexual in these photos or calls, however, they were extremely romantic after a period of time.

This trust, I believed was real, it was real for me. She even exchanged the big L, way before the “big picture” was brought out. I truly sold the idea of us together, we are both near 30, so I had no problem pursuing a non standard way of starting this relationship.

It was then when Crypto, and investing was slowly brought up. At first, just her showing how successful she’s been in the past few weeks. Which I congratulated, and went about my day – I’ve never been interested in crypto currency investments, due to the volatile nature. Another period of time passed, and it was brought up again. At this point, she started expressing doubts in me, in us, regarding my aversion to this ‘risk’. I knew I had completely fallen for her, and I believed she had fallen for me, I wanted to become a dad to her fatherless child, the first time I’ve ever been interested in being a father. This doubt, led her to start putting in ultimatums, if I wasn’t willing to take a risk for her, then what would our future become. I tried my best to explain my situation, and how I’m not afraid of risks, as long as we would be together, in person, then a couple would help eachother through any risk or difficulty.

My love, was then used and weaponised against me. It led me to invest a small amount of money, into the website she then linked, OEXBAKE.Top. Everything appeared to work, and we started ‘making money’ using her analyst’s suggestions. This happened a couple of times, all appearing to work okay. It was then, where the inevitable started to happen, every new trade, required me to invest more and more money in, to hit the “minimum” required margin. Requirements now into 5 figures. All of which I refused.

She then suggested I take out a 10,000 loan, because I could easily pay off the loan and interest using her ‘signals’. Luckily for me, my family have always drummed in the idea of taking out loans are a last resort. So I refused, much to her behest.

It became a awful lot colder, over the coming days, with hours going by between messages, rather than what was minutes before. She started refusing to send any photos of her, because she was ‘shy’. She was always off, because she was stressed with work. But would never elaborate when I would try and ask or help her. She would start being difficult, and looking for disagreement at any opportunity.

I tried to withdraw my money from OEXBAKE, but any withdrawal attempt was blocked, with the requirement of 35% additional funds required in my account. Of course that money was now gone, and I started asking around online, with many people confirming that this is indeed a scam, in particular, a pig butchering romance scam.

Following one of the days of an argument, over nothing, she sent me a screenshot of my question online – although it was an anonymous account, I knew she knew it was me. I was clearly at that stage in her scam, and she knew I had been trying to withdraw. She still tried playing off that she was really hurt and that I had ruined her reputation at her normal job, but in my post that I could see only had around 100 views, worldwide, and she somehow had seen it, that was all but confirmation from her.

Contact has been cut off, my money had been traced by an online crypto investigation company. Which, to my surprise, never reached my wallet, and ended up on legitimate exchanges I had never heard of, showing my money was gone instantly. Going through messages, it was clear and obvious what her game was. She lied every single step of the way, I just didn’t have any need to look deeper into any of her photos at the time I received them.

The money sucks, but I can deal with that, a lesson learnt. But, the real scam for me, was my heart. The is the hardest part to digest, I spent time and energy loving this girl, to now know that it meant absolutely nothing to her, and she was probably messaging multiple people at the same time.

The romance pig butchering scam, is the sickest scam around today, and I feel our world does not do enough to stop, or punish those abusing this sacred thing, love. She even still tried to claim she was “genuine” and I was at fault for everything – the Gaul!

Emily Campbell, I am spreading your name everywhere online, although it’s not your real name, you are not from Australia, you do not live in Perth, Scotland, I doubt you have a son called Oscar, I doubt you have a heart at all. You deserve every negative that life decides to throw at you.

Hopefully people who are contacted by this women, and are sent similar photos, go through similar love, are able to put a stop to it sooner rather than later.

