CS 373 Fall 2019: Week 11

Paula Paysan
2 min readNov 9, 2019


What did you do this past week?

Unexpectedly, this week went really well! I did good enough on my Algo exam on Monday for me to be content, my linguistics TA didn’t take off any points for my report being two days late, and I might be “dropping out” of school next semester to do a co-op!

Also, I finally jumped into the deep end of the pool without the fear of drowning and dying! I’m starting to get comfortable being in water which is honestly insane because I’ve spent the past 20 years of my life avoiding water getting anywhere near my face.

On another note, one of my little sisters is turning 16 this week and is going to start driving soon and I’m scared for all the cars that have to drive anywhere near her. It’s also just weird because she’s getting old and now I feel old.

What’s in your way?

I did get hit in the face by a ball in water polo the other day. It would’ve sucked even more if the other team scored when the ball bounced off my face, but I think I was a suitable shield and did a fair job as goalie that round. Otherwise, I’m not blocked on anything this week.

What will you do next week?

I’m planning on going to the game today and then probably staying in and watching a movie with some friends tonight! I should also finish my homework and final report for linguistics and start Phase 4 of the SWE project. I think I also have a marketing module due next Friday that I haven’t started so hopefully, I’ll remember to get that done.

What was your experience of refactoring?

Refactoring was pretty chill. I haven’t written code in Java since probably freshman year, so the Hackerranks were fun. It reminded me of fixing my terrible spaghetti code from data structures but in a good, reminiscing type of way.

What’s your tip-of-the-week?

I went to a WiCS event on Wednesday night and I ate like five fortune cookies since there were a lot of leftovers. One of the cookies had no fortune at all, but the other four had some pseudo-philosophical words of advice that appeared to all be the same as the people around me. There seemed to be a total of like five fortunes in that room, but my favorite of the four I got was “Do you see the difficulty behind every opportunity, or opportunity behind every difficulty?”.

