How the BBC Does Political Bias

Paul Austin Murphy
12 min readMay 5, 2020
The comedian Frankie Boyle, who’s frequently on the BBC. He has classed himself as “to the Left of Chomsky” and is well-known for his vicious and nasty comments.

i) The Far Left vs. the BBC
ii) The BBC is Liberal-Left, not Marxist
iii) The BBC’s Techniques for Hiding Political Bias
iv) The BBC’s Leftwing Comedians… and the Socialist Workers’ Party
v) Conclusion

The Far Left vs. the BBC

Of course, it can be a little embarrassing accusing the BBC of “political bias” because all kinds of mutually-contradictory political groups and individuals do exactly the same thing. Indeed the BBC has used this fact as a means to defend itself against accusations of political bias.

The BBC’s argument works something like this:

i) If many mutually-contradictory groups and individuals have accused the BBC of being “politically biased” in (many and various) mutually-contradictory ways,

ii) then surely this shows that the BBC simply can’t be politically biased.

The argument above isn’t very convincing. (Though, admittedly, it’s never expressed in the stark way that it is above.) For one, the BBC may be politically biased…

