Science is Red in Tooth and Claw: Biologists vs Physicists vs Biologists

Paul Austin Murphy
11 min readSep 18, 2022

Christopher G. Langton (a former researcher into artificial life) once stated that biology is “infinitely richer in its potential” than physics. Biologist Fransico Verela “disputed the typical physicist who believes that he or she is dealing with fundamental reality”. In turn, physicist Paul Davies said that “biologists are strongly and evangelically reductionistic”…. And these are only three examples among many — and all in a single book.

“Scientific research is done not by gray angels, but by human beings. [] It’s not just that scientists have their normal share of human roguishness. The scientific enterprise at its best depends on very human prejudices and preconceptions. I know that I did some of my own best work because I had certain preconceptions… [] and [I] ignored experimental evidence to the contrary. [] It’s not an atypical story.”

— Theoretical physicist Steven Weinberg (source here)

(i) Introduction
(ii) Christopher G. Langton vs Physics
(iii) Biologist Fracisco Varela vs (Materialist)

