The Fact that Philosophy Isn’t Physics Annoys Some Popular Physicists


Some best-selling physicists really dislike philosophy and see it as a complete waste of time. Is this largely down to the very-simple fact that philosophy isn’t… well, physics?

(i) Introduction
(ii) Philosophers Aren’t Physicists
(iii) Stephen Hawking
(iv) Lawrence Krauss and Sabine Hossenfelder
(v) Some Physicists Have Been Right About Philosophy
(vi) History

Some physicists (especially the ones who write best-selling books) have a big problem with philosophy. That problem is that they don’t like the fact that philosophy isn’t physics.

Of course they never put it quite so simply or honestly.

And, yes, such physicists have also given reasons for their anti-philosophy stances. Indeed a handful of the reasons they’ve given are subtle. However, most are crude and ignorant…

Yet it’s still essentially all down to philosophy not being physics.

The claims above may themselves seem as simplistic as the anti-philosophy positions of the aforementioned physicists. However, if you read the actual words of these physicists on this issue, then you’ll quickly note the lack of names…

