Two Dots, a year later.

Paul Murphy
2 min readMay 29, 2015


Looking back at the past year of Two Dots, the data says it best.

I asked David Hohusen, the Game Director for Two Dots how he felt last night, he responded with the following, and then send me a screenshot of his desktop, with all of the content updates open —

It’s been hard for me to see how far our team has come, because we’ve been designing levels and writing code everyday. But when I step back, look at the player usage data, the awards, the features and content we’ve built, I’m blown away.

David’s desktop.

When I compare the first year of Two Dots with our first game, Dots, we have shockingly similar stats. TwoDots has 30 million downloads, Dots had 20 million. Both titles had about 5 billion games played in their first year, and both have exceptional longterm retention for a casual title (~25% of everyone that downloaded the game in first year, still plays it). The biggest difference is revenue: TwoDots generated $15M, Dots generated $1M.

What’s particularly great about the increase in revenue, is our team found a way to make money while sticking to our values, ensuring we’re always keeping our players’ interests and overall “fun” of the game front and center. Instead of looking for a quick win, we’re working to build our business and revenue responsibly by adding content and features that players (hopefully) find valuable enough to buy.

Another area that jumps out to me is our team. We’ve been fortunate to attract some of the best talent in the industry that share our vision of building a games studio that endures.

We have more games and exciting updates to Two Dots on the way, including a completely redesigned version of the game that will soon launch with our Chinese partner Tencent in the coming weeks.

