Complete Guide to Murchison falls National park Uganda

paul naturinda
9 min readFeb 23, 2023


Elephants walking the savannah grasslands

Don't visit Murchison Falls National Park before you read this.

History of the park

The River Nile is a historic and iconic river that has been known for its cultural and natural significance for centuries. and has been the life source for the civilizations that thrived along its banks in ancient and modern times. as it travels several African societies it is known by many names and perhaps its most spectacular one comes from east Africa and is present at Murchison falls.

For 80km the victoria Nile tumbles down with rapids and tumbles down through a narrow 7 meters wide gap “The devil cauldron” the mist rising from the falls creates a breathtaking beautiful rainbow as the sun’s rays shine through it.

Murchison Falls National Park was gazetted in 1926 and includes others conservation areas like Budongo Forest Reserve, Karuma Falls Wildlife Reserve, and Bugungu Wildlife Reserve making it not only the largest national park but also the first national park in Uganda.

What kind of animals will I encounter on my Murchison fall national park safari’

Giraffes, Buffaloes, Uganda Kobs, Bush Bucks, Elephants, Hartebeests Oribs, water Bucks warthogs, and hyenas are some of the animals that are commonly seen on an African safari in the Murchison falls national park.

During the dry season, you will spot a high concentration of animals on the river banks as they come to drink water while others come to hunt for easy prey.

There are no zebras, Rhinos, and wild dogs and we recommend you visit kidepo Valley national park for such sightings.

Animals here are categorized into Big cats, Grazers, primates and Birds the park is home to 76 species of mammals and 451 species of birds. And is a perfect place to start your southwestern tour before heading to Bwindi and Kibale National Park.

What are the most exciting activities while on a safari in the Murchison falls national park?

Game Drives

Buligi Circuit, which includes Victoria Nile, Queens, and Albert Nile tracks is the preferred route for game drive. viewing almost all the big four-game animals that call Murchison home, elephants, Lions, Buffalo, and leopards.

The northern section of the park offers the finest chances for game viewing as there is a profusion of wildlife. However, only small groups of antelopes can be found in the southern region. Ideal times for a game drive are in the early morning at 6 am when the animals are resting, and at 5 pm as they retire from their daily hunt.

Boat cruise Safaris to the Waterfalls.

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with a boat safari on the Victoria Nile in Murchison Falls National Park. Depart from the Paraa ferry base and glide along the river to the stunning Murchison Falls in the Fajao Gorge. Enjoy a three-hour cruise, observing wildlife as they come to drink at the river’s edge and watching as hippos and crocodiles bask in the sun. For a truly memorable experience, combine your boat tour with a sunset cruise or a hike to the top of the falls.

Bird watching at Victoria and Albert Nile.

The best time for watching birds is from January to march, during this time the volumes of visitors to the park are low, however, the bird’s activity is at its highest as migrating birds are seen to flock to the park between November and April. Bird-watching enthusiasts are on the lookout to spot the mighty shoe bill, the kingfisher

Notable Birds in Murchison Falls NP

  • Abyssinian ground hornbill
  • Senegal thick-knee
  • Black-headed lapwing
  • Standard-winged nightjar
  • Denham’s bustard
  • Yellow-fronted tinkerbird
  • Long-tailed nightjar
  • Long-toed lapwing
  • Black-billed barbet

Primates and chimps

On a game drive, you will see black-and-white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, Red-tailed monkeys, and chimpanzees. If you are in luck, you will see the mighty Patas monkeys which are endemic to the Murchison falls. The experience is like non-other.

Culture and community tour.

While an encounter with lions and the wildlife on the Nile is breathing taking, the cultural experience with the different tribes around Murchison falls makes it an astounding destination for tourists on a cultural safari in Uganda. The tribes like the Alur, Banyoro, and Acholi all have thrilling cultures that can be explored by tourists on their safari.

Nature walks and Hiking

Nature walks and hiking offer an opportunity to explore the park on foot enjoying bird watching and lessons about biodiversity. However interesting hiking is, it requires an above-average level of fitness and endurance, especially the hike to the top of the falls.

The Hike to the top of the falls.

From a stop called “the barker” the hike to the top of the mountains begins, this is the same place where Sir Samuel Barker stood to admire the beauty of Murchison Falls back in the year 1864. This trail is particularly interesting because of the many sights of the kingfisher going about its fishing business and other water birds.

Spot fishing

Sport fishing at Murchison Falls National Park usually takes place near the base of the falls, either from the banks or from a boat in the pools downstream. All fishing spots can be reached by boat from Paraa or Riverside Lodge. Be prepared for high temperatures (sometimes exceeding 40°C) and bring sun protection such as sunscreen, hats, and long-sleeved shirts. During certain times, tsetse flies are abundant, so wearing long pants and insect repellent is recommended.

The ideal fishing attire should be light in weight and color as it provides comfort and reduces attraction to testes flies. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants is recommended, but avoiding dark blue or black clothes is crucial as these colors attract testes. A lightweight rain jacket and a sweater for cooler evenings are also advisable.

Hot Air Balloon Safari

Hot air balloon safaris are a recent development in Uganda by UWA and they are only available in two national parks Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison falls National Park. On a hot Air Balloon Safari you will be able to view beautiful landscapes and the big Four games in Murchison falls Buffalos, Lions, Leopards, and the Elephants, And many other animals will see on Your safari.

The cost of a hot air balloon safari is $380 per person, with children aged 12 and under eligible for a 50% discount, bringing the price to $190. This fee covers the balloon flight, a certificate of completion, and pre-and post-flight refreshments.

How many days do you need at Murchison falls National park?

With all the interesting and breathe taking activities at Murchison falls national park, A 3 days safari is enough for a tourist to be able to have a full experience at Murchison falls ranging from trekking the chimps to having two game drives to spot the big four-game in Africa that call Murchison falls home(elephant, leopard, lions, Buffalo to spot fishing at the bottom of the falls, hiking to the top of the falls and watching birds in the swamps as the Nile begins its gentle journey north.

What should I pack for my Murchison falls Safari?

Keep in mind that Uganda experiences two seasons, the wet season and the dry season, therefore the season you intend to travel determines a lot of what you will carry in your backpack. After you have all your travel documents in your bag including your passport, visa, booking forms, and yellow fever vaccination card. You then need to look at the items of personal effect including but not limited to, Binoculars for viewing small animals like birds, a Flashlight, sunglasses, a camera, a first aid kit, and finally don’t forget to carry with you anti-malaria drugs and insect repellent cream as mosquitoes are a thing in the tropical region.

How many hours is it from Kampala to Murchison falls national park and how do I get there

Murchison fall national park is 305 km from Kampala and it takes 5–6 hours to drive to the park via the most direct route Malindi through the southern gate

.Alternatively, you could fly into Murchison falls national park a journey that takes 1 hour from Kajasi airstrip in Entebbe near Kampala with either chattered aircraft or a daily flight schedule. By air, you will arrive at Pakuba airfield located near the park which has very nice accommodation facilities.

How much are the entrance fees at Murchison falls national park?

The entrance fees at Murchison Falls National Park are USD 40 for non-resident foreigners, USD 30 for resident foreigners, USD 20 for children aged 5 to 15, and UGX 20,000 for all citizens of East Africa.

Guided services which include guided game drives, nature walks, and any other services cost USD 20 for a vehicle entry during day game drives and USD 30 for a vehicle during a night game drive. And for guided nature walks each person pays USD 30 for a day nature walk and USD 40 for a night nature walk.

Vehicles entering the park will pay USD 15 if they bear a Ugandan license plate and USD 150 for vehicles bearing foreign license plates.

How much is a night at Murchison falls National park and where can I sleep

The price per night on your Murchison fall safari will range from Usd 30 to Usd 750 depending on where you chose to stay. The accommodations facilities at Murchion falls national park are categorized into three, Budget accommodations, Mid-range accommodations, and Luxury accommodations. depending on your duration of stay, budget and group size will influence the type of accommodation you will choose to stay at.

Luxury accommodation class category

  • Baker’s Lodge
  • Paraa Safari Lodge
  • Nile Safari Lodge
  • Chobe Safari Lodge

Mid-range accommodation category

  • Twiga Safari Lodge
  • Pakuba Safari Lodge
  • Budongo Ecolodge
  • Murchison River Lodge

Budget Accommodations

  • Red Chili Rest Camp
  • Murchison River Lodge
  • Sambiya River Lodge

What does a typical 3 days safari at Murchison fall national park look like?

A 3 days safari at Murchison falls is the most recommended safari if you want to fully enjoy the park, the itinerary includes games drives into the jungle to see big four-game and other wildlife, A boat safari to the bottom of the falls viewing all water animals and even the animals coming to the river for a drink, a visitor coming to the park in the dry season will see a high concentration of animals at the river as the dry season draws many animals to water at it. However, breaking it down would look as follows.

Day 1

If you are arriving on an international flight, You will be welcomed by your travel guide at Entebbe international airport where you will embark on a 6 hours road trip to Murchison falls via Rhino sanctuary where you will get a chance to watch and walk amongst rhinos in their natural habitats at a safe distance, do bird watching with the famous shoe bill being a common sighting and if you wish to do a canoe ride before you set off for a 1-hour drive to Murchison falls.

Along the way, you will see various animals like the warthog, and baboons among others on your way to the top of the falls where you will experience the river squeeze through an 8-meter wide gorge called the devil corridor. Here take s many photos as you can. You will then later be transferred to your accommodation where you will relax from your day’s trip and have dinner and an overnight chill.

Day 2

Get up early on this day, have breakfast at 6:30 AM, and be ready for your Game drive starting at 7:00 AM. Your driver and ranger guide will pick you up from the lodge for the drive. During the tour, you’ll see many animals like lions, buffaloes, giraffes, elephants, antelopes, waterbucks, and birds.

After the game drive ends at 11:40 AM, return to the lodge, relax, and have lunch. In the afternoon, go for a boat cruise where you’ll spot Nile crocodiles, hippos, buffaloes, elephants, and different bird species like bee-eaters, colored kingfishers, and the shoe-billed stork along the Nile banks. The boat will take you to the base of Murchison Falls, where you can admire the majestic falls.

You can choose to hike to the top of the falls, where your driver guide will meet you and drive you back to the lodge for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 3

On day 3, wake up early morning and prepare for a nature walk which includes a hike to the top of the falls. Along the way, you will walk observing nature and viewing different species of birds and animals on your trek. At the top, your driver will pick you up and transfer you to your accommodation where you will have lunch and later prepare for an afternoon of sport fishing at the bottom of the fall and bird watching again in the swamps of the Nile.

After your spot-fishing adventure, you will prepare to leave for Kampala and later alone Entebbe international airport for your flight back home.

