The Death & Revival of Humanity

A Journey of Humankind

A magnificent tree letting the sunshine come through
Humanity can shine bright again — Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The Life of Humanity

The word Humanity refers to the core qualities that all human beings possess from the day they are born to the day they die. Empathy, Generosity, Love, Compassion, Understanding, and an innate sense of Justice are all essential aspects of our existence. They are not acquired traits but rather qualities that simply stem from being. They have always been there and will always be.

Unfortunately, these qualities are often forgotten, hidden, or even rejected due to our modern lives, the fears that paralyze us, and the wounds that haunt us. But our Humanity transcends all that. It is always there beneath the noise, beneath the suffering. It transcends language, culture, borders, political regimes, and wealth. It is a common language.

If there is one thing that truly embodies the phrase “we are all born equal” from the Human Rights, it is this: we are all born equal in the sense that we have the same Humanity, we are all born with the same qualities. No newborn opens their eyes for the first time to see the light of day with hate in their heart. As Mandela said

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite — Nelson Mandela

The Death of Humanity

A yellow leaf on dead leaves
Protect the light of Humankind — Photo by Stephen Kidd on Unsplash

Humankind has been on an endless pursuit of “progress”, a poor kind of progress, one that has been defined narrowly by technological advancement and economic growth. The pursuit of this kind of progress did bring some positive outcomes for the greater good, but I don’t think that was our main intention.

This definition of progress is devoid of meaning and the pursuit of it plunged Humankind into a period of decadence. It has led us astray, neglecting the very foundation upon which true progress should be built: our Humanity i.e., an ethical and compassionate quality at the service of the greater good.

Today, as technological breakthroughs allow the world to be more connected than ever, humankind feels lonelier than ever. I see many people around me struggling to find meaning in their lives. Is it that surprising when Humankind as a whole forgot its Essence, its Truth, its Meaning?

The Revival of Humanity

A flower on a tree branch
Let Humanity blossom in all hearts — Photo by Alaric Duan on Unsplash

I believe that Humankind (i.e., human beings as a species) will only survive these challenges if our Humanity sees the light of day once again. I would even go beyond that and say: is it really worth it for Humankind to survive if it loses its Humanity? Is it worth it to survive physically if we are dead spiritually and morally? To this day, my answer would be no.

Would you rather survive doing wrong in the world or die doing good? Would you be willing to sacrifice your life if it were to save the lives of others? These rhetorical questions are intentionally extreme because they easily bring to light what our Humanity is all about. The choices we make, and the way we show up and treat others are essential aspects of our Humanity.

By choosing kindness over indifference, collaboration over competition, and understanding over judgment, we contribute to the revival of our Humanity, and thus to the survival and unprecedented flourishing of Humankind.

Dear reader, thank you for joining me on this journey for a New Humanity 🙏

I invite you to take some time today to reconnect with your Humanity within. Intentionally show generosity, love, and care to people around you 💛



Paul • Founder of a Home for Humanity 🌎

Global Citizen | Third Culture Kid | Community Builder 🤝 Building Bridges Across Cultures 🕊️ Promoting World Peace