The 4 Mind-Blowing Secrets to Success That No One Tells You

Take Control of Your Subconscious

Man under the stars
Let your conscious mind take the decisions in your life — Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Are you putting much effort, sweat, and tears into achieving your dreams but they still seem out of reach?

Do you feel like you have tried everything but your results are still not where you hoped they would be?

Do you fear your dreams will remain dreams forever and fade when your heart stops beating?

I want you to know that there is hope. There is one more thing that you haven’t tried yet, and it’s actually the most important and powerful one in getting you closer to your dreams and achieving everything you have ever wanted. It is something I discovered recently by working on myself with a coach who created this methodology for success. Here is what I learned.

Removing the Roadblocks

A “STOP” sign in the middle of the road
Remove what is in the way of your dreams — Photo by Fahim Junaid on Unsplash

If you are not achieving everything you want, there must be something blocking you from doing so. You might think “It’s because the economy is bad”, “I am not lucky”, or “People don’t want to help me”. You might believe that something out there is conspiring against you and driving you away from your success.

The reality is that nothing is conspiring against you. The answer lies within you, deep in your being. There is misalignment inside you, and more precisely in your subconscious mind. This can come from negative experiences in your childhood, trauma, abuse, or early role models in your life that are not serving you anymore.

This misalignment between what your subconscious and conscious minds want creates inner conflict which results in loss of energy, focus, and intent.

Most of us neglect to acknowledge this and keep trying hard on a conscious level. Resolve the conflict in your subconscious mind and the results will come.

Increasing Your Vibration, Permanently

A flow of beautiful light
Let light flow through you — Photo by Maxime VALCARCE on Unsplash

After working on your subconscious mind and eliminating the issues that are not aligned with who you want to be and the life you want to have, you need to now engage in activities that can help you elevate your emotions, i.e. your energy vibrations.

Dr. Hawkins, in his diagram called the ‘Map of Consciousness’ (see below), mapped the evolution of our consciousness based on the emotions we feel.

The Spectrum of Human Consciousness giving a “grade” out of a 1,000 for emotions such as Courage, Acceptance, Love, and Joy
Let yourself grow from Shame to Enlightenment Spectrum of Human Consciousness by Dr. Hawkins

Many activities will allow you to elevate your mood:

  • being in the company of people who make you happy
  • self-love
  • doing anything that helps you feel joy (but not at the expense of someone else’s pain or discomfort)
  • mindset work and gratitude
  • meditation
  • connecting with nature

Working on your emotions at a subconscious level will help be in what experts call a FLOW state. This will remove the obstacles that have been preventing you from achieving your dream life.

Note that these activities to elevate your consciousness will only be effective after doing deep work on your subconscious mind.

Planting Your Dreams Deep Down Inside You

The roots of a tree
Let these roots dive deep within you — Photo by Eilis Garvey on Unsplash

The next step is to ingrain your dreams at a subconscious level. You can do so by repeating affirmations or looking at visualization boards you made. Try to implement that during your morning or evening routine so that you remind yourself of these goals on a daily basis. Also, remember how you would feel when those dreams will come true.

‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’ refers to this” — Nicola Tesla

Having a good understanding of how energy, frequency, and vibration work can shed light on the unconventional method that can help materialize your desires and dream life. Dropping your desires & goals at a subconscious level helps your conscious mind to start gravitating towards opportunities that will help materialize them.

Taking Action

A spaceship taking-off for the moon
The journey to your dreams — Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Once your intentions are banked in your subconscious mind you need to take massive action to transform the desires into reality. Seize every opportunity that presents itself to you.

  • Write down 3 things that you are grateful for every morning or evening
  • Write down your main achievement of the day
  • Spend 10 min vividly visualizing your dreams before falling asleep
  • Journal down your dreams in the present tense as if it has already happened every day before going to sleep.
  • Meditate for 15 minutes a day

You may choose as little as 1 action to as many as you are comfortable taking. The key is to do it consistently until it becomes a habit.

This is what I learned during Parames’ “5 Days to Go from Unsure to Unstoppable — Knowing Your True Potential” and that I am implementing with further work with coach Parames. The 5-Day Challenge is free.

Thank you for reading! 🙏 It’s your turn to achieve what you’ve been dreaming of! 💪 Book a call with Coach Parames 📲

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Paul • Founder of a Home for Humanity 🌎

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