PinnedThe ASS Scale: The ultimate 2*2 management model!A quick bit of context: the piece below was the first thing I wrote when starting work on my new book with Kailash Awati called “The…Nov 14, 2016Nov 14, 2016
PinnedHow to become a management guru in six easy steps…This article is the first chapter of my second book with Kailash Awati: “The Heretics Guide to Management: The Art of Harnessing…Dec 8, 2018Dec 8, 2018
PinnedFix IT Procurement (and Stop Agile Mansplainers)Okay so if you clicked on the link because of the title of this article, you have no doubt been on the receiving end of an encounter with…Jul 26, 2022Jul 26, 2022
PinnedHow to doom Office365 governance (over and over again)What if I told you many IT governance efforts, despite best intentions of managing or reducing risk, actually do the opposite and increase…May 7, 20193May 7, 20193
A report from the first ever #PerthMVPDayYesterday something unique happened. All Microsoft MVPs based in Perth brought their collective skills and stories together to run an…May 26, 2019May 26, 2019
What does project management mean to me — a Project Manager’s sermonWhat does project management mean to me?Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018
Innovations in Decision Making on a Major Infrastructure ProjectA Dialogue Mapping Case StudyJun 8, 20171Jun 8, 20171
So what the hell is Design Thinking anyway?A while ago, I decided to take a Design Thinking course. My main motivation was to see how well my Dialogue Mapping based work aligned to…May 26, 2017May 26, 2017