A never-ending list of business ideas and problems to solve

Feel free to take, borrow, mold, modify, spread, and get rich

5 min readNov 20, 2016


Hey, gang. I decided to start posting my business ideas. I’ve collected these for years. They’re going to waste sitting in my head, or in a 90% blank Moleskine. I may use one sometime. I most likely will use none. I may just watch you get rich. Go make that “f*ck you money.”

The point is, there’re a million ways to make the world better. To solve large problems that are overlooked time and time again. Accepted as “just the way it is.”

There’s never been a better time to start a new business. Sometimes you simply need an idea that inspires you. The right idea can help you find a purpose. And the purpose is where it all starts — the WHY.

Because remember, passion is a bunch of BS. Passion is chasing shiny red balls and doing what’s immediately rewarding. (which means no growth) On the other hand, a purpose is significant. You earn a purpose by doing what is fun even when it sucks. Even when it does NOT feel good.

Anyhow, enjoy. I will continue to update this list going forward. If you seriously consider running with one of these, let me know. Maybe I’ll invest in you ;-)

The only idea not here is the one I’m currently working on.

Your friend,


  1. An app or device(!) that awakens you with ready-to-go meditations and focus exercises. They always want us to do it in the morning, but why separate it? We’re already in bed. Find a way to make it part of rising. Hit the off button and on turns the guided meditation and wake up sequences. Updates by cloud and changes your life. Makes it a habit, every morning. Can also have nighttime routines built into the device. A device would make this easier — too many apps these days. Please don’t make another. Make it a beautiful device you launch on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Alright, moving on.
  2. A Pandora for fashion. You name your favorite brands, sizes, shoes, etc. Whatever you like. Our database has all the top brands’ style profiles, size profiles, etc. in the system. If you love how H&M size L fits, for example, we know you’d also like this brand in size M, or this company’s shirts feel and appearance. It’s so hard to shop because guys are LOST. Don’t just be like GQ or Trunk Club; that’s lame. Bring SCIENCE to it. Measure, catalog, match.
  3. Instagram for the crappy things in life. The stuff that makes us all human. A humongous dump. A pimple on your lip on the night of a hot date. We all have shit go wrong; it shouldn’t be so curated for happy happy happy. A place to post the shitty stuff.
  4. Buy books that changed your life and give away to real people, follow their story. You (the biz owner) will send the client a pic of who claimed their book. The client can optionally leave their info in the book in case the receiver wants to thank/contact. If a book changed your life, be certain someone else that’s thirsty for knowledge and change in life will receive it.
  5. Prepaid travel bookings site — must be a way to book trips AND plane tickets if enough time in advance under a group name. Don’t have to put in everyone’s name up front. Makes it impossible for many young adults to plan travel. Everyone is so non-committal, and what if you find a new girlfriend or friends to go with you? Allow ability to add names later. Probably not possible, but a thought.
  6. Online dating site with constant online mini video speed dates going on. Hop on, hop in, next. Could be addicting. If vote yes, both get to contact each other, if either votes no, it disappears forever. Get past the TEXT and into Video and real conversation. 30-second rounds. Monthly access could be pricey due to novelty. Maybe $199 per month for example.
  7. Start a designation and site for Digital/Electronic Organizer Professionals (Business to Consumer). Someone who can help people learn how to handle the MOUNTAIN of emails, records, accounts, passwords, and services. Someone trustworthy, experienced and highly professional could make a killing at this. Like a closet organizer or someone who helps with clutter, but for your digital life. Think of the poor old guy swimming in a 10,000 email inbox with 98 icons on his desktop.
  8. Create a secure digital archive for all conversations. Imagine a vault that synced at your request and held all conversations with your mother, or your best friend. The Facebook messages, emails, and even text messages. All contained in one vault for your mom. Our messaging and conversations are so fragmented now. We need a place that brings them all together, and saves them forever.
  9. A travel rapid deals site that takes advantage of people’s spontaneous impulses and lets them feel good about it. Set your city (mine is Columbus) and imagine getting sent rapid-fire deals when it’s the absolute BEST price and value.
    The algorithms on our site (let’s call it Abiri.com) scan 24/7 for all travel deals from your home city. We compare prices and offerings to historical data, and when a moment for true travel arbitrage arises, we notify you. It will be a message like “A flight and hotel package to Dublin, Ireland is pricing the lowest it has in 6 years. Reserve now?”
    So, it’s like value investing in stocks, but in travel. Book your spontaneous travel, and feel good about it because you are getting historically significant values. This, of course, is a humongous idea, but it does solve a problem: we want to travel, and we want to go where our heart tells us to, but we don’t know when or why the trip costs what it does. Are we actually getting a good deal? Are we buying smart? This takes that analysis paralysis out of the equation. It’s a nifty tool always to have running in your life.
  10. There’s probably a service that lets you schedule personal texts, email and social media messages from one place. But, if not, look into that. (Like CoSchedule that’s used for blogs, but for personal use. To manage our crazy “social lives” we think we have)
  11. A private social hub or network/app for lovers, partners, or married people. A private wall/board for them to share, profess, write, and create. A private little world, meeting space, for them on the internet. Like a room in a home, a room for them online. It can capture your relationship using technology in one place, sync to social media, etc. You know what I’m sayin, yo?
  12. A dating app or singles site where the swiping is done on 15 second videos that everyone puts up. Your ‘profile picture’ is an automatic video you create. An introduction and quick hello. Must be taken with the phone also, real-time. The profile pic is an automatic playing video, like Vine was. This can let you know so much more about a person. All videos will be approved by moderators, always. To avoid the obvious dangers of scammers, pornography, etc. Easy to approve a 15 second video. If you like what you see, you can then click to see more photos, and a bio, etc.

Much, much more to come.

Talk soon.



Entitled, white, conservative, straight male. Fitness fanatic. Piano man.